Monday, April 03, 2006

Total relief

I've been doing some research - first, I emailed the student guidance counsellor about the theory- and the work experience credits. The theory consists of 15, and the work experience of five. What I've been told is that if you don't pass the work experience, you don't get the theory credits either. The email I got in response was able to tell me this isn't correct, which means that if I just pass the theory I still get the 15 credits for that.

Then, I called CSN (who handle study allowances and all that buisness). Apparently, getting 15 credits in one semester is enough to qualify for study allowances for the next one.

Do you realise what this means?

I'll tell you what it means. It means I can leave the work experience. This means I can stop dreaming about it, stop worrying and stop caring altogether about it! I won't have to do the two weeks of terror I've been dreading ever since I finished the ones I did in February.
You have no idea how happy and relieved I am right at this moment.


Logan said...

Hurra hurra hurra!!

Yay for not having to do really annoying shit that sucks to do! Yaaaaaaay!


Kat said...


I know! :D