Monday, August 28, 2006

Is it because I watched 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'?

You know how you sometimes dream funny stuff when you're ill? I've always been like that. I don't usually remember what they're about, but I took a nap earlier and woke up with a phrase from the dream in my head:

"Ah, candymakers in heaven, we congratulate you."
And that is word for word. Really, I'd like to know what goes on in my head sometimes.

"Candymakers in heaven"...
I mean, seriously.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Changing it down

I wanted to write, but I'm still sick as a dog and completely unable to focus on anything longer, so this is all you get. Yes, you'll have to bear with my Rent love for another post. At least this is a short one for a change.

"To faggots, lezzies, dykes, cross-dressers too! To me! To me! To you, and you, and you, you, and you! To people living with, living with, living with- not dying from disease! Let he among us without sin, be the first to condemn - la vie boheme!"

"Will I lose my dignity?
Will someone care?
Will I wake tomorrow
from this nightmare?"

- Why choose fear?
- I'm a New Yorker. Fear's my life.

I want to take a moment to say that Aaron Lohr and Wayne Wilcox were absolutely perfect for their roles.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Getting to know me, part 2

Två inlägg på en dag, det har minsann aldrig hänt förr. Men, när nu Gustav hade en sån här intressant lista blev jag också sugen.

.Skulle du kunna tänka dig att delta i en dokusåpa?
Jag skulle hellre sätta mig i en ubåt.

.Vilken årstid tycker du bäst om?
Sommaren. Och våren när det inte regnar.

.Brukar du sjunga i duschen?
Det är snarare en regel än ett undantag.

.Vilken sport tycker du är roligast att se på tv?
Handboll och friidrott. Och fotboll, om det rör sig om ett mästerskap.

.Tror du på kärlek vid första ögonkastet?

.Vad är viktigast för dig?
Att inte behöva se tillbaka på mitt liv när jag är gammal och ångra saker jag gjort/inte gjort.

.Laddar du hem musik och film från internet?
Jag tror inte att jag vågar svara på den frågan på nätet...

.Vad skulle du göra om du vann en miljon kronor?
Just idag blir svaret på den frågan 'köpa en häst'.

.Vad är det bästa med julafton?
Maten och att vara tillsammans med familjen. Jag älskar julen.

.Tänker du mycket på ditt utseende?
Mer än jag borde, antagligen.

.Vad får dig att slappna av?
Musik. Gosa med min hund.

.Är du mörkrädd?
Ibland. Särskilt om jag har sett en otäck film. Både The Ring och The Shining fick mig att krypa ihop i soffan med fötterna uppdragna och varenda lampa i lägenheten tänd.

.Vilken färg är snyggast?
Efter Barcelona måste jag nästan säga rött. La Caperucita Roja. Annars får jag erkänna att jag tycker om rosa och trivs väldigt bra i svart.

.Tycker du matte är svårt?
Ja. Be mig inte om något svårare än nians tabell.

.Tycker du det är viktigt att ha märkeskläder?
Pah. Så länge kläderna sitter bra spelar väl märket ingen roll?

.Vad skulle du helst vilja vinna i en tävling?
Pengar. Eller ett hus i Spanien.

.När går du upp ur sängen en typisk helgmorgon?
Beror helt och hållet på... Om inget särskilt har hänt kvällen innan; vid nio. Annars framåt elva, tolv.

.Tycker du rökning/snusning borde förbjudas i lagen?
Gärna för mig!

.Har du piercing?
Ja, om hål i öronen räknas.

.Bråkar du och dina syskon ofta?
Jag bråkade ibland med min osynliga syster när jag var liten, men sen insåg jag att hon inte fanns och bråken upphörde.

.Vem är den viktigaste personen i ditt liv?
Mina föräldrar.

.Läser du ofta böcker?
Det blev mindre skönlitteratur i och med att jag började plugga och fick tjocka kursböcker att plöja igenom, men Harry Potter (ja, av alla böcker) fick in mig på läsningens bana igen. Så, svar ja.

.Vad föredrar du för sorts filmer?
Drama och filmer som får dig att tänka.

.Vad slösar du mest pengar på?
Resor, teater och böcker.

.Vill du gifta dig?
Jag känner inget jättebehov av det just nu, men vi får väl se.

.Vill du ha barn?
Nja... Tveksam. Återigen, vi får se.

Vilka tvprogram som går just nu har du fastnat för?
Desperate Housewives, Lost.

.Vilka husdjur har du haft innan?
Kaniner, hamster. Hund och undulat för tillfället.

.Är du bra på att laga mat?
Om jag anstränger mig.

.Var badar du helst?
Caldes D'Estrac och Sitges. Annars får väl Bjärred duga.

.Vad dricker du för alkohol?

.Vilka djur är du mest rädd för?
Getingar. Allt med gadd.

.Vad tycker du om monarkin?
Har inga starka känslor rörande den.

.Vilka språk kan du?
Svenska, engelska, spanska, lite italienska och en del teckenspråk.

.Har du någon gång skadat dig allvarligt?
Bröt armen när jag var tio. Har stukat fotlederna rejält oändligt många gånger.

.Vilken kändis är hetast?
Milo Ventimiglia. Humma humma.

.Gillar du att dansa?
Salsa, alltid. På klubb när jag druckit lite.

.Vad har du för klädstil?
Har jag en stil?

.Är du flygrädd?
Ja, och det blir värre för var gång jag flyger i takt med att mina odds blir sämre.

.Vad tycker du om rökförbudet på krogen?
Bästa förbudet nånsin.

.Vad dricker du helst när du är törstig?

.Vilken är din favoritglass?
Glass som i glasspinne eller smak på kulglasss? Pinne - Magnum Strawberry White; kulglass - mango.

.Tror du på ett liv efter döden?
Jag vet faktiskt inte. Jag lutar åt reinkarnation.

.Vilket kaffe sörplar du helst?
Alldeles vanlig Latte Macchiato.

.Vilket mobilmärke föredrar du?
Eftersom jag har en Siemens säger jag väl Siemens.

.Vad har du för personlighet?
Umm... Snäll?

.Har du varit deprimerad?
Ja, för länge sedan.

.Tycker du om sushi?
Har bara ätit det en gång och tyckte att det var lite läskigt, men är villig att ge det en chans till.

.Tror du på livslång kärlek?
Ja, hoppas kan man ju!

.Vad äter du helst när du ser på film?
Snacks. Popcorn, chips, nötter.

.Lever dina föräldrar tillsammans?

.Skulle du vilja träna någon typ av kampsport?
Absolut, om jag bara hade råd. Skulle gärna lära mig aikido.

.Har du tandläkarskräck?
Skräck och skräck, jag spritter inte precis av glädje när jag får min kallelse.

.Har du någongång haft självmordstankar?
Mycket länge sedan.

.Vilken hårfärg har du naturellt?

.Biter du på naglarna?
Det är sällan, men det händer.

.Är du beroende av något?
Musik, teater, internet.

.Vilka internetsidor besöker du varje dag?
MiGCentral, Dooce, olika bloggar, TWoP.

.Höger- eller vänsterhänt?

.Humör just nu?
Hängig, trött och irriterad.

Jag är inte mycket för godis, faktiskt. Men ge mig en påse ostbågar och du får mig till vän.

.Musik just nu?
Avenue Q, OBC.

.Vad sa du senast?
Ingen aning. Alltså, jag sade det. 'Ingen aning'.

Vaddå hangout?

.Saft eller alkohol?
Beror på vilken saft och vilken alkohol.

.Hur många kuddar sover du med?

.Spelar du nåt instrument?
Inte ett enda, tyvärr.

.Bästa film?
Just nu, Rent. Alltid, Requiem For A Dream.

.Tror på liv på andra planeter?

.Har du några homosexuella vänner?

.Är du kittlig?
Använder du det emot mig om jag om jag erkänner?

.Bästa bok?
Liftarens Guide Till Galaxen, A Long Way Down, The Long Walk, Ett Öga Rött, Les Misérables. Åh, förlåt. Jag tyckte att det stod 'böcker'.

.Om du fick välja en superkraft, vad skulle du välja?
Oh, oh, jag vill kunna flyga! Och resa i tiden!

.Skriver du dagbok?
Bara min blogg här.

.Är du klar nu?


I'm sick again. Its not fair, it was only a month since last time, and still I'm sneezing and coughing up phlegm like there's no getting rid of it ever again. Isn't there some sort of rule that says you can only have one giant cold every six months?

I got Rent. I watched it. And I bawled. My mum and dad watched it sporadically while doing other things on the computer, and I was trying very hard to keep the crying under control so as to not embarrass them or myself. I was doing alright, but then came Without You and the funeral, and I of course lost it. And that was when it happened. Towards the end of the funeral scene when everyone stand up to join Collins - the way Idina closes her eyes at that point always gets to me - my father decided that it was time to chime in.

"Oh, so this is one of those songs that everyone magically knows?"

That wasn't the worst part. In the end, when Mimi's lying on the table and singing 'I Should Tell You'... "Well, she's dying, but at least she can still do a little song." He then proceeded to laugh at me when seeing my drenched face.

He mocked it. He mocked Rent. I still haven't forgiven him.
You do not mock Rent in front of me. You just don't, not if you want to stay on good terms.

In other news, this is my very first post typed on my new laptop that arrived yesterday! It's fast, pretty, has a wide, shiny screen and large harddrive, and I still feel attached to my slow, scratched old one. I don't want to get rid of it. It was my first one, and it's cute.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Theatre mania

Home. Yep, I survived London and London survived me, and I've got my dosis of much needed theatre. Three shows in three days; Blood Brothers, Avenue Q and Rock You.

Avenue Q. Oh. My. God. It was seriously one of the best things I have ever seen in my life (and yes, I am aware that I used to say the same thing about Rock You). It was simply genious, and the changes they'd made from the the Broadway version worked so well, in most cases. For example:

'Here's a coin that says "euro" on it. But that won't buy anything!'

'Hallelujah! I haven't felt this good since I sued my parents.'

Everyone were amazing. Julie Atherton (Kate/Lucy) is my new girlcrush. She was so incredibly cute and her voice was sofa king strong I got goosebumps during 'Fine, Fine Line'. I also fell in love with Simon Lipkin (Nicky/Trekkie) whose facial expressions and line delivery made me cry with laughter. 'Me need to hurry home!' He was very different to Rick Lyon, which was just good since you appreciated his performance for what it was even more. Giles Terera rocked as Gary Coleman. I was apprehensive of a male Gary, but it worked perfectly even though they'd had to change some some songs so that he could hit the notes. 'I was the cutest little black kid on TV - I made a million dollars that my parents stole from me - my life was over when I hit puberty, but I'm here, fixing the toilets on Avenue Q!'

Best thing, I was coughing all the way through the show.
And a good cough it turned out to be, too.
Sorry. I'm still influenced by the Bad Idea Bears. They're so cute.

Spending time with the family was nice, too. Tommy's gotten married! I'm so out of the loop. Richard is studying Hebrew and is apparently almost as much of a language geek as I am. Jodie looks beautiful and so grown up. Robbie is twelve! I still remember the little six year old who was stomping as loudly as he possibly could to demonstrate his displeasure about having to go to bed. And my auntie can be so hillarious... My grandfather accidentally stepped on my grandmother's foot under the table, and I quote: "Ni får ju bestämma om hon ska vara mellan dina ben eller om du ska vara mellan hennes!" Oh, you should have seen my grandfather's face.

I wonder when I'll get to go to London next. It has to be before Q stops running, that is for sure. Seeing it once is not enough - god, I hope it gets extended, and that the cast stays.

(photos belong to

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Favourite film/tv scenes

As you wished, Cucumber-boy. ;)

Dogma - Chris Rock's entrance scene. He rocks, if you pardon the pun. He falls naked out of the sky, and proceeds to tell them that he not only knew Jesus, but that "Niggah" - that is, Christ - ows him twelve bucks. Not to mention that he a few minutes later gives one of my favourite lines ever, when Jay complains that it's too far to walk to the town: "Back in the old days of JC we used to walk everywhere! Ever heard of a fat apostle? Nu-uh."
Number two from that film; Alan Rickman as the Metatron showing why the heroine didn't have to worry about him raping her. "I'm as anatomically correct as a Ken-doll."

Brokeback Mountain - Jake Gyllenhaal's speech. "So what we got now is Brokeback Mountain! Everything's built on that! That's all we got, boy, fuckin' all." Awesome.

Rent - the Without You scene. Mimi going through the withdrawl, Roger trying to comfort her... And when the Life Support people fade and disappear, I devolve into a sobbing mess.

As Good As It Gets - Melvin introduces Carol and Simon to each other, "Carol the waitress, Simon the fag", and has no idea he's said something that could be considered disrespectful. The list could actually be comprised of scenes from this film alone.

Romeo + Juliet - Romeo following Tybalt after Mercutio has been killed. I may not be a Leonardo fan, but the scene where he holds Tybalt's gun against his own head is intense. "Either thou, or I, or both must go with him!"

Everwood - the montage from the season 1 finale, before Colin's operation, with 'Cathedrals' playing in the background. It's one of the strongest scenes I've seen in a tv series.
I'll actually add one from the pilot as well; Ephram and Andy screaming at each other in the street. - I wish you'd died instead of her! - Well, I wish I had too, you little bastard!

Crash - Michael Pena as the dad talking to his daughter under the bed about the invisible cloak. I just found it all so touching.

The Fellowship of the Ring - when we first see Hobbiton with 'Concerning Hobbits' playing. When I first saw it, it was just like I always imagined it when reading the book, and actually seeing it on film was an incredible feeling.

American Psycho - when they all compare their buisness cards and Bateman realises that one of the other guys has a better looking card than his. You see how much that kills him and just how unstable he is, and Christian Bale does that scene so damn well.

Buffy - the season two finale, when Buffy makes the choice to sacrifice Angel for the world. Her face when she realises what she has to do is actually a bit heartbreaking.
Number two; from the episode Tabula Rasa. Everyone has lost their memory thanks to a spell going wrong, and Spike realises, after having taunted Giles about his British accent, that he sounds the same.' - Listen to Mary Poppins! He's got his crust all stiffened up with that nancy boy accent. You Englishmen are always so... Bloody hell. Sodding, blimey, shagging, knickers, bollocks. Oh god. I'm English. - Welcome to the nancy tribe.'

I could go on forever, but I'll stop there.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Creativity injection?

I'm writing again. It's not much, but it's writing, and it feels so damn good.

Kvällarna kyler
Obarmhärtigt närmar sig
sommarens svansång

The feeling when seeing your own name in 'print', even if it's only on a website, is truly awesome.

Friday, August 11, 2006

I whistle a happy tune

Remember I mentioned I was thinking of getting a new laptop?
Well... I ordered one. And a new iPod, too - they had a special offer if you bought a laptop and an iPod at the same time. I couldn't resist.
Estimated delivery in two weeks. Yay!

I can now add trouble breathing to the shoulder pain. Fantastic. I knew the painkillers could cause my asthma to set in, but even though they don't seem to help much, I dread what it would be like if I stopped taking them. Grrreat.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

And the bright shall suffer

I'd like to take a moment to reflect on the fact that I took my first IQ test a while ago, and that my final score came to 127. I was quite surprised - that's not too bad, is it? Better yet was that my intelligence type is apparently, according to this particular test, an 'insightful linguist', and that careers that would be suited to me had 'translator' among them (it also had 'teacher', but I chose to ignore that). It seems like I could finally be on the right path to doing something that suits me.

I've been on prescription painkillers for the past week for my shoulder. It's been hurting for almost two months now, and it's starting to drive me a little mad. When it's at its worst I can't even take my top of on my own, or lift the showerhead with my right hand. The pills haven't started working yet, but I'm not giving up on them until I've finished the treatment. I'd really rather not have to take a cortison shot.

The doctor wasn't really a favourite of mine, though. The first thing she said after I explained what my problem was, was "And what do you want me to do about it?"
How the hell should I know? You're the doctor, you tell me what to do about it, I didn't say. But, at least she did give me the pills in the end.

She also looked briefly at the knot thingy on my leg which I've been worrying about for a while and which my mum keeps telling me I should have removed, and said it was most likely nothing. Oh, good. So why do I still check it every day?

I'm growing just a tiny bit addicted to blogthings.

You Are An INFP

The Idealist

You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.
Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.
It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.
But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.

You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Fin de semana catalana

This weekend has been completely guay. First of all, the weather was nice. Importante. Second of all, Malmö was invaded by Spanish people from all of Catalunya! Even more importante! We were there all day yesterday, watching gegants and capgrossos, trying to comprehend how to bailar sardanes, and above all, speaking Spanish. With each other - for some reason it felt completely natural when being surrounded by catalanes - and with the people at the information center. Guay, as previously stated.

But I wonder... Was I really annoying when I was fourteen? Jumping around, screaming, pretend-fighting, hitting my friends with empty water bottles and pulling their hair? The girls waiting for the bus along with us made me want to slap them, shout for a bit, and then go home to enjoy a cup of tea. I felt so old. But really, is it possible for fourteen year olds to have become older and younger at the same time? They may look older, but they behave more childish than ever.

Or is it just my old age talking?

We also made a visit to Ikea, which I love for many reasons, and one of them is that you get to study men/women dynamics. It's awesome how men and women play such different roles in there. The men are very clearly there to drive the car, do the heavy lifting and possibly pay for whatever is bought. Maybe even look after the kids. They do their thing, find what they've come there to buy and then run through the house for the tills. The women on the other hand stop at every department, go 'ooh' and 'aah' over cute picture frames, pillows and lampshades, and try to convince the husband they really do need that new carpet for the living room.

It's hillarious. And I'm not ashamed to admit that I am indeed one of the women who go 'ooh' over cute picture frames.

I even bought one.

When going through my notes from the classes in Bcn I realised just how dirty our teacher Rosa was. 'Cachondo'? 'Hacerse paja' (with the definition "tener el sexo con tu mismo - los hombres lo hacen normalmente con la mano")? 'Que te folle un pez'? 'Tirarse de alguien'? You gotta love her, teaching us stuff like that.


If there was ever an actor ruined by a role, it's the dude playing mr Perry in Dead Poets Society - not even That 70th Show can redeem him for me. Whenever I see him, all I can think is "You bastard, you killed Neil!"

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Haremos de las nubes terciopelo

I've become far too attached to these competitive reality shows. Damn you, Nigel Lythgoe. I know, it doesn't have quite the same ring to it as 'Damn you, Berlanti', but it works for me.
And Benji - call me!

G, I took a leaf out of your book and took the party test on tv4's website, although my results came out very different. Interesting, but no huge surprises except for matching the KD with 41 %. That was admittedly a bit disturbing.

Do you ever worry about the possibilities and risks of reincarnation? That next time you'll be born in a starving village somewhere in Africa, or as a pigeon, doomed to try and eat cigarettes off of the ground every day for most of your life?
Yeah, me neither.