Friday, July 20, 2007

So long, farewell...

So, I'm off to - hopefully - sunny Spain for two weeks, with likely no internet access. So, you guys take care and I'll speak to you all soon!

(Ida, jag läste i tidningen att AC/DC ska släppa ett nytt album och kanske turnera... Wahey!)

(You should all listen to Boston's Long Time and Peace Of Mind.)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

In which I'm worried about nightmares

Jag säger bara det, min mor... Hon kan kläcka ur sig saker utan att tänka på vad hon säger. På telefon med Anticimex (för att vi har stort jäkla getingbo ovanför fönstret), när de tydligen frågade om det gick att nå boet från fönstret: "Ja, en lång man med en lång grej kan nog." Jag bröt ihop.
Och nu ikväll när hon skulle försvara sig; "Men jag menade ju bara ett långt rör som han kan spruta med." Jag lovar och svär.

Saturday night was lovely - seeing 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' with my fellow geek Julia. Although she's way more geeky than I am, banging her head on a table just to get a scar like Harry's... Right? Hmm?
I actually loved the film. I haven't enjoyed the last ones, but this one I did. Even with all the stuff cut and changed, it just worked. There were times when I realised I was sitting there with a huge, stupid grin on my face, and that's a good sign for me. It was a bit light on actual school stuff, but other than that, fabulous.

And oh em gee, the last book is out soon. I could do a whole bunch of eleventyones after that statement, but I'll try to restrain myself.
I'll say one thing, though. I'm not going to get to read the book for a while since I'm not home when it's supposed to arrive, if it even decides to arrive on time, and if some idiot decides to spam the entire internet and give away the ending, I swear, I will CUT a BITCH.

We went for ice cream before the film, since it was too hot to be inside for longer than necessary. Then we both lost our appetite when Julia's ice cream suddenly appeared to be full of flies, and a bird decided to crap frighteningly near mine. It missed, but still got my jeans. A pigeon. I'm not surprised; I've always said those damn birds are evil.

Three more sleeps until I'm off to Spain. *glee* Although first I'm off to the dentist tomorrow to check on my jaw, which is stiff and achey and has been for a few days. Always just before I'm about to go abroad. Why? Huh?

Thursday, July 12, 2007

In which I photospam you

Just so you know, this is all totally Julia's fault.

Okay, so, I decided to take photos of a bunch of key stuff from my everyday life. Completely uninteresting, probably, but man did I have a blast with my camera.

My alarm clock
Alarm clock
My bathroom shelf
My phone, named Mimi
My favourite necklace
My favourite ring
Favourite earrings
My iPod
My keys
My favourite ballerina shoes
And last, but not least, my laptop.

Oh, and some other pretty stuff.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

In which there was no Ark necessary

There was no paddling necessary this weekend - trains to and from Kristianstad ran like clockwork despite the pouring rain, thank unnamed deity. Had a great time, even got to meet up with Pernilla yesterday, which was lovely. Hadn't seen her since December. Christ.

Highlights from the weekend included the best Greek food ever, a cousin gathering behind us that made me and Julia almost collapse with laughter - du, den där gödkalven, hur sajor du dé po utrikiska? - the white porn sofas, boobs-shaking and the now official Kristianstad Dance.

You girls? Are awesome.

Oh, and also? LIMONAOD!

Damn it. We heard 'Chasing Cars' on the radio yesterday, and Annica and I both got all 'Oooh!' and of course started talking about that Grey's Anatomy episode. So I thought I'd watch it today.
At the first chords of that stupid, stupid song I actually had to close VLC because I was already teary-eyed and would without question have started crying my eyes out if I'd watched for another second. Damn it. Again.

"He died all alone. He was alone. I changed my dress three times. I wanted to look nice. I would have been here sooner, but I couldn't figure out which dress to wear."

"You can't stay here. I know you want to..."

"Can you please, please, just get out? I want to be alone with Denny."

"Izzie, that's not Denny."

"Shut up."

"Izz, it's not Denny. The minute his heart stopped beating he stopped being Denny. Now I know you love him, but he also loved you. And a guy that loves you like that, he doesn't want you to do this to yourself. Because it's not Denny, not anymore.

"An hour ago he was proposing. And now... and now he's going to the morgue. Isn't that ridiculous? Isn't that - the most ridiculous piece of crap - you've ever heard?"

*breaks down* Damn you all.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Now is when I don't go to see 'Evan Almighty'

Okay, this raining is actually starting to bother me. I could deal with it earlier, even went swimming despite it - wearing sunglasses - but now it's beginning to get on my nerves. It's July, for Christ's sake, and it's fourteen degrees outside! Not to mention that I'd rather not have the trains to Kristianstad cancelled tomorrow because of flooding. Soon I'll start building that Ark.

Stupid, stupid weather.

I hope it's not my fault. I did ask for bad weather so that Frida wouldn't have to work late and be able to come with tomorrow. But seriously, this was not what I meant. Jeez, God, get a clue, would ya?