Friday, November 24, 2006

Still oh so motivated

I seriously cannot stop. Straight boys may want to avert their eyes, I'm not sure.

I really do watch way too much television, don't I?

M got tickets for Lundaspexarnas' farce on Sunday afternoon for my birthday present. Going to be so much fun, they're usually among the best there are.
Oh - this is my 101st entry, and it's almost time for my bloggiversary. Time flies.

I just looked over at my reflection in the window, and realised that wearing braids makes me look like a little girl. Good thing or bad thing, one might ask. I'd say it could be a good thing, since I've applied for a job as a spy for Systembolaget. Be a neat job, wouldn't it, running round trying to buy alcohol without an ID?

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

All the motivation you need

I'm rapidly growing addicted to making motivators.

And you are definitely going to be subjected to more of these in the future.

Monday, November 20, 2006

'Cause my TV set just keeps it all from being clear

The weeks go by so fast now. I don't know what happened to this fall, it seems like it had barely started when Christmas began showing its red twinkly face around the corner. The lights are already up on the square, they've put up the trees all over town, and we're planning a glögg/gingersnaps-baking party in the not too distant future. But before that I need to survive the birthday outing next week - "Då ska vi supa Katarina under bordet", as one of my lovely coursemates put it. And I still haven't found my hangover-food.

I've been given the number to a chiropractor in town who's supposed to be very good. Hopefully he'll be able to do something about my shoulder, which is still playing up on me after all these months. I want to be able to go swimming again, dammit.

My goddaughter is only a few months away from becoming a big sister. She's excited to take on the task as well as concerned about where the baby is going to sleep when they're visiting grandma. She finally came to the conclusion that 'grandma can sleep on that side, and I'll sleep on this side, and the baby can sleep in the middle and I'll hold her'. As much as my stint as a nursery teacher put me off being around small children, I'm totally excited about getting a new baby in the family. And above all, to watch Nic growing into being the oldest.

Supernatural tonight. I might have to squee for a bit.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

'Cause I've got one hand in my pocket

Auntie: I don't get why they're doing it outside, I mean, you know what the cold does...
Grandpa: Well, maybe they keep their pants on.
Me: Dry humping?
Grandpa: We're changing the subject now.

I managed to work dry humping into a conversation at my grandparents'. I rock. If I manage "I'm lovin' you like a two-dollar whore" as well, my CQD will be complete.

A quick Heroes comment - Nathan' wife is called... Heidi? Dude, please. They couldn't think of anything else? I don't care about supermodel Heidi, either. Not even the Klum can take the 'German goat-girl' sound out of that name.

Friday, November 10, 2006

In which she's worried and annoyed

Gustav, jag bör nog varna dig - du uppskattar kanske inte den här lilla klagovisan.

Det ska bli dyrare att bo som student. Det ska bli dyrare att bygga studentbostäder, och på så vis högre hyror för de bostäder som ändå byggs. Och folk undrar varför en 25-åring fortfarande skulle vilja bo hemma?

Vi studenter har nog med pengar. Vi har så gott om pengar att man till och med skulle kunna sänka vårt bidrag och den tid vi har rätt till det. Min förhoppning är att regeringen om några år inser att den bästa idén för att lösa problemet med studiemedel är att istället för att tilldela varje studerande ett visst antal år med rätt till studiemedel, tilldela dem en viss summa och möjligheten att fördela den summan på det sätt som passar dem. Som det är nu (och som det har varit länge, det ska medges) blir många lurade och tror att de kan ta ut bidrag de första åren och spara lånen tills de behövs längre fram. Icke. Sex år är allt du har, sen är det kört. När du pluggat i fyra år, inser att du är inne på fel spår och att du kommer att behöva fyra år till, sticker statsministern ut huvudet och ropar 'Gotcha, sucker!'

"Det ska löna sig att arbeta." Låter bra. Men när det innebär att det framför allt lönar sig därför att alla bidrag dras in så att du helt enkelt inte har råd att vara arbetssökande eller sjukskriven? Ja, sänk A-kassan! Se till så att de fega, utbrända människorna ger sig ut i arbetslivet igen!
Men det är klart; för vissa lönar det sig ju verkligen att arbeta. Staffanstorps politiker höjde sin egen lön med 50 %.

"Vi ska satsa på ungdomarna och se till att de får jobb." Jo, man tackar.
Så varför bör pensionsåldern höjas till 70 år? Om ni vill satsa på ungdomarna, borde då inte pensionsåldern sänkas? Ut med de gamla, in med de unga? Eller menar ni att de båda ska arbeta halvtid och bli partners, dela på jobbet?

In other news, I'm seeing my remaining time at uni like this: another year and a half of linguistics, and two years of either English or Spanish. 80 credits each; enough to teach. I think.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The best soy latte that you ever had

Wine, ice cream cake, bisquits, samba music, cool people and a Tjernobyl theme. All in all, a great night.

I've figured out that the best way to keep yourself from going out after a party is to not bring any money, your ID or credit card with you when you leave home. If I had, the others would've totally been able to convince me of going with them to Wermland's, which would have ruined my plans of getting up early tomorrow to go to Ikea.

I still think it's cool that V's friend is my coursemate's friend's coursemate. V, I don't know what it is, but you two kinda look like each other.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Excuses schmexcuses

For starters, apologies for the lack of blogging. T'internet and all things connected to it have been seriously neglected during the past week, but I have a good excuse, which is in short 'studying my ass off and trying to lead a social life at the same time'. It's tougher than I thought. I feel a bit like I've been abandoning all my /mgs as well, which really sucks. With all that's going on for everyone right now it makes me feel even worse.

Another thing that's been taking up my time has been rearranging my room. Just a few days ago everything I owned was cramming up the kitchen and the living room, but it's all starting to come together now. We bought a dresser yesterday. Nothing fancy like Ikea, just good old Jysk. I spent the whole afternoon putting it together. Normally I'd just leave it to my father, but since he's out of town a girl's gotta do what she's gotta do, even when it does include hammers, nails and swearing. It was all worth it, though - it's now standing next to the desk beneath my window, filled with clothes, looking like it was always meant to be there.

I love how the room is turning out. The only thing I'd have wished for is to have the walls painted as well, but you can't have everything. I'll just have to put stuff up on the walls to cover the cracks. Yes, I have room for posters on my walls! I've been living with one single Lord Of The Rings poster for years because the arrangemeant of the furniture meant that there was no space for anything else. That is so going to change.

What else?

* My hands are looking all icky. The skin is coming off my fingers from when I burned them, and they almost look worse now than they did then.

* My birthday is less than three weeks today. I feel so old.

* Secret Santa has been sorted! Now I've just got to rub my brains and figure out something fabulous to send.

* Emails will be sent to those expecting soon. Promise.