Friday, March 09, 2007

Did you know her?

Inspired by Gustav. 50 facts/opinions about/from me, one that isn't true, and you get to guess which one.
  1. Was born in the year of the Rat.
  2. Am listening to CCR's Bad Moon Rising while typing this.
  3. Got my first digital camera when I was sixteen and earned myself the nickname 'Paparazzi' within less than a year.
  4. I get on well with my parents, most of the time, except for times when my father calls me lazy and complains about the fact that I'm studying something that will lead me nowhere.
  5. Despite getting along well with my parents, I would really like to move away from home, but can't afford it.
  6. Kept myself from reading Harry Potter until I was all of 21 years old.
  7. I'm unnaturally afraid of msn and never use it.
  8. I watch way too much TV. But quality TV!
  9. Got Rupert Grint as one of my celebrity lookalikes on My heritage.
  10. Am a master in procrastination, which this survey is proof of.
  11. I very much appreciate a sarcastic and smutty sense of humour.
  12. The first time I dyed my hair, it turned a strange sort of mix between pink and orange after a while.
  13. I sing in the shower.
  14. If I have to choose between Burger King and MacDonald's, I'll go for the latter.
  15. Cried like a baby when I graduated in 2003 and still get a little teary when I hear Fame's Give Me Your Love because of the way the song was used at the graduation ceremony.
  16. Grabbed the leg of a guy sitting next to me on the plane once, mistaking it for an arm rest.
  17. I don't even remember the last time I turned on the radio on my stereo. I have no grasp whatsoever on today's music.
  18. My friends mean the world to me.
  19. Am of the firm belief that clowns are evil. Evil, I tell you!
  20. I can still get away with paying a child's fare on the bus.
  21. I have never shoplifted.
  22. Most Swedish films I've seen, I've disliked. Only exceptions are Tillsammans and Den Bästa Sommaren.
  23. When I get off the train at Liverpool Street Station, my first thought is always, "Home."
  24. Ended up in the Red Cross' tent at a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert after being squashed.
  25. Had Tiger Python around my neck when I was seven years old.
  26. Have been to a gig on a boat.
  27. I've gotten used to beer and even learned to like it after years of not drinking it.
  28. Favourite is Corona or Sol.
  29. Single gal.
  30. Sometimes wish I weren't, like when I see couples snuggling together while waiting for the bus in the cold at night.
  31. Jensen Ackles is hot, and a really good actor.
  32. Chad Michael Murray is neither.
  33. Got one unfair grade (in Swedish) and one extremely undeserved (in gym) in all my years at school.
  34. I've already reached the point where birthdays become something you dread rather than look forward to.
  35. I will never agree with the death penalty.
  36. Although I actually did, at one point, in anger, when someone close to me was subjected to meaningless violence and suffered badly. Nothing like a hospital vigil to turn your opinions around, if only for a while.
  37. "Belligerent" is one of my favourite words, for no particular reason other than that I like the sound of it.
  38. Have fainted twice in my life, both times the day after my appendicitis operation.
  39. Was the teacher's pet in middle school and hated it.
  40. Before I got my new hard drive, the most played song on my iTunes was Jump Little Children's Cathedrals, played 42 times.
  41. Once started singing Popular from Wicked during a lecture without realising it.
  42. Scottish accents make me melt, as do Welsh, Liverpudlian and Irish ones.
  43. Will likely fall for a guy who makes me laugh.
  44. I've actually lost count of how many times I've seen We Will Rock You.
  45. Voted 'No' to EMU.
  46. Get very absorbed and, well, loud, when watching handball.
  47. Been mistaken for a Brasilian.
  48. I always start smiling when I hear Green Day's Minority.
  49. People who use the "She/he acted/dressed in a provocative way" line in the defense of a rapist are scum.
  50. The only two horror flicks that have really scared me are The Ring and The Shining.
There you are!


Logan said...

My guess is... hm. 44? I'm totally stealing this from you.

Kat said...

I'm so ashamed to admit this, but nope, that is not it. 44 is all true. *hangs head*

Gustav said...

Jag tycker det här minsann var rätt klurigt! Men kul fakta, en del saker jag inte visste =)

Hmm. Ren gissning; Du röstade Ja till EMU?

Frida said...

Inte lätt! Många är ju så klockrent Katta! Jag kan verkligen se nr 16 hända... :-D

Men jag måste gissa på nr 14. Du gillar inte MacDonkans slaskburgare, du går till BK istället.

Logan said...

I'll reguess with 32. CMM is at least one out of two?

Kat said...

*snort* Sorry - CMM is definitely neither in my book. There is a reason why he's been feautured several times on GoFugYourself, and as far as acting goes, well, he emotes by squinting.

Gustav - det gjorde jag absolut inte. :P (trevligt att det underhöll!)

Men... Ding-ding, poängen går till Frida! :D Yay! Helt och hållet rätt. Eww, MacDonalds.

Men, nu till vad jag vill veta, och det är varför i hela friden ingen satsade på att nummer 9 var falskt?! Hmph. You cut me deep. :P

Frida said...

Wohoo! Vad vinner jag? ;-)

Rupert Grint var jag tvungen att Googla, visste inte vem det var. Men nu när jag vet... *asg* Inte helt uppenbar likhet nej... :-D

Kat said...

En kopp te från cafeterian, kanske? ;)

Och ni andra, kom igen - ingen vettig människa väljer väl MacDonalds före Burger King? :P