Okay, so, I'm home. Which quite frankly sucks.
To start off, I apologise for the lack of blogging and kindly ask you to blame the American Invasion that came upon us one Monday and took up all the computers. Christ, they were everywhere, all 'yeah', and 'chips', 'coke' and 'sure'. And they were tiny. I don't know why, but the majority of the students seemed younger this year - we were among the oldest by far with 21 and 22. There was also a distinct lack of creme-coloured catalans, which was disappointing. The train journeys weren't half as fun this year with no proper view.
El Guapo was no longer working at BCN Café, which caused Calle Casanova to lose its charm somewhat.
School was absolutely awesome. Before we left we'd planned to take quite a few days off, because you know, who really wants to be stuck in a classroom four hours a day for four weeks straight when the sun is shining outside and the beach is calling you?
Well, as it turned out, we did. Seriously, classes were so much fun we contemplated a lot before our last week which day we were going to skip before we came to the conclusion we just didn't want to miss out on anything. Because when you have teachers like Rosa and David, you never know what will happen. Funny thing - I had David last year as well and adored him, so when I saw his name on my transfer note I was one happy girl. The dude is too cool to even describe. Have you ever had a teacher who openly admits to loving Olivia Newton John and Xanadu, who suddenly starts singing 'You're The One That I Want', or who pretends to be Superman in front of a fan? Well, I have. And what more is, I have photographical evidence.
The teachers at Enforex are a very special kind. That, or I've just been very lucky both years. Our teachers during the first week were just as good as these - Moisés was one of a kind, and Aina, well, she was so cute and tiny I just wanted to put her in my pocket and bring her with me to Sweden. Rosa, just as cute in a totally different way with her love for chupachups, her calling me 'Kati' and her 'Vaya!'
I miss my class already. Best group ever, I've never laughed in school the way I have during these weeks... Our Polacio, he's not speaking Hispanski any longer. He's all about Polski now, with the penguins and his fishes. What in the world will Arthuro and Dante do without him? (Admit it, boys, you miss him like crazy! Well, we all do.) We're all going to Polacia next year, aren't we?
I'm still surprised at having a classmate with such awesome music taste. (Thanks for the tips, I'm on them!)
Damn not going to Pamplona. But the sound effects the boys made when describing the bulls rushing past were very, very entertaining.
I miss the beaches. Where am I supposed to go now? Lomma beach? Bjärred? They're nothing compared to Caldetas, Sitges and Montgat! And, as much as it pains me to admit it after having defended Sweden to a bunch of stubborn Brasilians for weeks, it was bloody cold when we got home last night. Yes, yes, it was cold. Moving on. It's warm now.
We're planning on going back in the beginning of October, somewhere around that time (Ricardo, you better get a job so that you'll still be there by then!)... I need paella. I need the paella parellada from El Cangrejo Loco (with a name like that, how can you not love the restaurant?). How am I going to be able to wait until October before I get to eat it again?
A few quotes which no one will find funny except for me, but I need to type them down to remember them.
Quelli, while playing pictionary: 'Japonés? Japonés? Japonés?' (and repeat)
David: 'Sabéis porque no funcionaban las persiennas? Porque una palomita habia hecho caca en el sensor.'
*'Porque las mujeres no saben conducir? Porque los hombres siempre les dicen que esto (tiny distance) es 20 centímetros.'
Ricardo: 'Polacio, no te mates, por favor!'
Polacio: 'Era mi hermana. Tengo dos pesces.'
* 'En Polonia no tenemos solo las palabras, tenemos grandes frases.'
* '... Pero!...'
* 'En mi país...' (Polacio, you know we love you, right?)
* 'Mejor con los pinguinos que los monos' (score!)
Moisés: 'Hace frío como en el polar norte! Ay, que me caye el moco!'
After the game between Brasil and France.
Me: I hope we didn't bring bad luck.
Arthur: No, no, it was Polacio.
Polacio: Es posible...
Photos? Coming soon.
Omigod! I got the letter from the university, and I'm in! I'm gonna be a linguistics geek!