Linguistic geekery
We were studying Kinyambo (Logan, I swear, if you tell me that you speak Kinyambo, I will have to kick your clever ass), a Bantu language, today and since I love stuff like this I thought I thought I'd share.
So, we've got a bunch of phrases:
1. Nakajuna - I helped
2. Barakoma - They will tie
3. Nitukoma - We are tying
4. Narajuna - I will help
5. Nituchumba - We are cooking
6. Nimujuna - You (pl.) are helping
7. Orasoma - You (sg.) will read
8. Baratura - They will put down
9. Nimukichumba - You (pl.) are cooking it
10. Bakakinaga - They lost it
11. Arakinaga - She will lose it
12. Nibatura - They are putting down
With the help of these phrases, separate the affixes to figure out what akakisoma and ninachumba mean. Go on, it's fun! And piece of cake to some language nerds I know... ;) (G, how's this for a lesson?)
I now want to study Kinyambo. Way cool.
There was also a discussion about how English and Swedish both tend to use borrowed words (which in itself is an expression I have issues with, but that's for another time) in the plural, in the singular. We say one 'one panini' ('paninis' in the plural) and 'one paparazzi' ('paparazzis' in the plural) when in reality it's one panino - two panini, and one paparazzo - two paparazzi. Then, in Swedish, we have 'muffins' - most of us say 'muffins' to talk about the little cupcakes both in the singular and plural. Except for sometimes when just for the hell of it you can hear 'muffinsar'. Now that's properly försvenskat. And makes total sense, too - if 'muffins' was really a Swedish word 'muffinsar' would be the proper form in the plural!
(ahem) "In the singular" och "in the plural" anbefallas istället. ;)
Nej, jag kan inte Nyambo men kände igen några få Swahili ord. Jag wikipediade för att läsa mer om språket men hittade ingenting -- kanske borde du skriva lite mer om det? :)
(Word verification:en är "ywghadr". Låter som walesiska, ett till språk du borde lära dig. ;))
Omhändertaget. ;)
Jag ska se om jag hittar något om Kinyambo, blev jättesugen på att lära mig det. Kanske min föreläsare vet något.
Lovar att fundera på walesiska. Det är fint.
Och om "ywghadr" hade varit ett ord, vad skulle det kunna betyda i så fall? ;)
(Word verification "diamou", just because I thought it was cool.)
Det är jättefint. Ett av de finaste språken.
Ingen aning om vad det ordet skulle kunna betyda. Men det vore otroligt walesiskt i alla fall. ;) Och i walesiskan låter ord oftast inte som de borde (t ex "swydd"/jobb eller "ŷd"/majs), men man blir ju van till det. Yeehaw!
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