Favourite film/tv scenes
As you wished, Cucumber-boy. ;)
Dogma - Chris Rock's entrance scene. He rocks, if you pardon the pun. He falls naked out of the sky, and proceeds to tell them that he not only knew Jesus, but that "Niggah" - that is, Christ - ows him twelve bucks. Not to mention that he a few minutes later gives one of my favourite lines ever, when Jay complains that it's too far to walk to the town: "Back in the old days of JC we used to walk everywhere! Ever heard of a fat apostle? Nu-uh."
Number two from that film; Alan Rickman as the Metatron showing why the heroine didn't have to worry about him raping her. "I'm as anatomically correct as a Ken-doll."
Brokeback Mountain - Jake Gyllenhaal's speech. "So what we got now is Brokeback Mountain! Everything's built on that! That's all we got, boy, fuckin' all." Awesome.
Rent - the Without You scene. Mimi going through the withdrawl, Roger trying to comfort her... And when the Life Support people fade and disappear, I devolve into a sobbing mess.
As Good As It Gets - Melvin introduces Carol and Simon to each other, "Carol the waitress, Simon the fag", and has no idea he's said something that could be considered disrespectful. The list could actually be comprised of scenes from this film alone.
Romeo + Juliet - Romeo following Tybalt after Mercutio has been killed. I may not be a Leonardo fan, but the scene where he holds Tybalt's gun against his own head is intense. "Either thou, or I, or both must go with him!"
Everwood - the montage from the season 1 finale, before Colin's operation, with 'Cathedrals' playing in the background. It's one of the strongest scenes I've seen in a tv series.
I'll actually add one from the pilot as well; Ephram and Andy screaming at each other in the street. - I wish you'd died instead of her! - Well, I wish I had too, you little bastard!
Crash - Michael Pena as the dad talking to his daughter under the bed about the invisible cloak. I just found it all so touching.
The Fellowship of the Ring - when we first see Hobbiton with 'Concerning Hobbits' playing. When I first saw it, it was just like I always imagined it when reading the book, and actually seeing it on film was an incredible feeling.
American Psycho - when they all compare their buisness cards and Bateman realises that one of the other guys has a better looking card than his. You see how much that kills him and just how unstable he is, and Christian Bale does that scene so damn well.
Buffy - the season two finale, when Buffy makes the choice to sacrifice Angel for the world. Her face when she realises what she has to do is actually a bit heartbreaking.
Number two; from the episode Tabula Rasa. Everyone has lost their memory thanks to a spell going wrong, and Spike realises, after having taunted Giles about his British accent, that he sounds the same.' - Listen to Mary Poppins! He's got his crust all stiffened up with that nancy boy accent. You Englishmen are always so... Bloody hell. Sodding, blimey, shagging, knickers, bollocks. Oh god. I'm English. - Welcome to the nancy tribe.'
I could go on forever, but I'll stop there.
Cucumber-boy här.
Tack för listan! JAg vet inte om jag håller med dig på alla områden, men det var en bra lista! Jag håller med dig angående Dogma-scenen! =)
Vänta bara tills du sett Rent - Without You kommer att platsa på din lista också! ;)
Inget slår Dogma. Chris Rock, Alan Rickman och Jay & Silent Bob i en film kan inte slå fel.
And when the Life Support people fade and disappear, I devolve into a sobbing mess
ME TOO. Oh God, and then at the end of the song when you see Collins in bed holding Angel, I just lose it all together and turn into a little puddle of gooey.
*väntar på Rent-dvd:n* =)
Åh vad jag ogillar blogspot ibland, då de tvingar en att fylla en formulär med några bokstäver bara för att kommentera! *suckar*
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