Saturday, October 07, 2006


Can't live with it, can't live without it.
The laptop I've had for no more than a month and a half has decided it's royally fucked up and suddenly shut down on me the day before yesterday. I turned it back on. It turned itself off. Lather, rinse and repeat. Now, it's very unpredictable - on Thursday night it was working fine all night. Last night it wasn't. This morning I couldn't even turn it on before there was the now so very familiar and dreaded 'click' followed by a black screen.

My computer genious father then thought of the idea to empty the parameter memory, and again Trekkie (for so it is called) seems to be in a good mood. For now, at least, and so I have spent the afternoon copying over endless amounts of stuff onto my iPod (damn, am I glad I went for 60 instead of 30 Gb!) in case it throws another hissyfit. Which I'm sure it inevitably will, sooner or later.

It couldn't have happened at a worse time, either - I have a poster presentation which is due next Monday and I really need to be able to work on my computer with it, preferably without it shutting down just when I'm about to hit 'save'.
Saw K last night for the first time in I don't know how long - he's got a two week holiday before he goes back to Cosovo for his UN soldier service thing. He has beefed up, begun to look scarily like his brother, and hasn't changed much besides. It was great catching up.

Off to dance some salsa at Club Havana tonight. I almost wish I wasn't, though - it's pouring down outside.


Anonymous said...

Ajdå. Testa att ringa Apple kanske?

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Call 'em up, get some feedback.

Kat said...

Att töma parameterminnet verkar gjort susen - inga problem sen dess. *ta i trä, salt och peppar* Men jag ska ändå ringa Apple efter att jag gjort klart postern.