Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Uni venting

This Lund university lark is actually a tad more stressful than expected... I have a massive amount of pages to read, on which I'm already behind. I haven't paid my student union/corpus bill yet (well, to be perfectly honest, I havent even picked up my bill yet). I can get this feeling in class that I really have absolutely no idea what Merle is talking about, and wonder if I even belong there. But just after that, I decide that I do. I do belong there, because no matter how new, weird and hard everything is, right now I'm loving it.
With all that's going on I'm feeling like a bad /mg at the moment, though.

There is some of fun happening, too.

Samba classes started on Monday, and while I was forced to realise the sad truth that I have no capability whatsoever of coordinating arms, hips and feet and the same time, it was still awesomly fun. And an excellent workout.

Another one of my coursemates speaks sign language, which gives me an opportunity to catch up on that. She's already gotten me to practise by spelling out words to myself during the lectures. It's quite fun trying to spell labiodental as quickly as possible.

During our SI meeting today we discussed grammar, and at the end of the hour I was saying to Anna how much fun it was. I half expected the regular 'You're crazy' look, but instead got an 'I know, isn't it?' It's awesome being around people who are interested in the same things.

My coursemates got their first taste of my sometimes inappropriate sense of humour. There was a lady from the Students' Health talking to us, and when she told us that 'Vi har en grupp för barn till alkoholister, som brukar bli full varje termin' I had to stiffle a snort. I know, I'm horrible, but it was kinda funny! They thought so too when I explained it to them.

I'm going to sign up for my union tomorrow - still shilly-shallying back and forward between Lund's and Wermland's, but I'm leaning towards Wermland's at the moment - and buying my ticket for the novisch party next Friday.

Ran into Fredrik on my way home today, always nice to see one of the oldies. I do miss the Malmö crowd, even if I don't miss the school itself.

And there just might be a chance that I'm going to study Catalan. The teacher, Casanova - yes, apparently that is his real name - just emailed me and asked me to call to discuss the possibilities of starting up the course. Oh, please, please, let it happen.

I think this is going to be okay.

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