New look and sports
I kinda like this one. Pink is never wrong.
The football World Cup... Well, the game last night was a bit of an embarrassment. In your face, everyone who were saying we'd win by two or three goals. Zlatan needs to focus. Ljungberg needs some help on his side, he can't be expected to do everything on his own. Henke needs to move his feet. Mellberg needs to judge distance better and adjust his passes to it. Svensson just needs to get better. And Lagerbäck needs to put Kim Källström in the game earlier.
So, to advance, at the very least we need to beat Paraguy and Paraguay need to beat Trinidad-Tobago. If we beat England, well, that will just be a bonus. Before yesterday I was sure we would, but after seeing them play... Not so sure anymore.
And the handball team lost the first World Cup qualifying match against Iceland. It didn't look that good, but not too bad either. Kim Andersson made a great game for three quarters of it, but can't handle the pressure of being a few goals behind and took some bad shots during the last minutes. Several players seem to have that problem. If Kim gets past it, he's going to be unstoppable, though. Lövgren doesn't quite have the same wicked arm as he used to and almost seemed a bit hesitant to shoot at times. Worrying. Ahlm looked alright, though missed a few golden opportunities. Lindahl, well, he's no Pettersson, but did good. I want to see more of Larholm, and Franzén. Vranjes is still the largest littlest handball player there is - takes his responsibility when needed and isn't afraid to try and break through a wall of defence players 12 inches taller than him. Awesome, but one out of six having that drive isn't enough. Gentzel had a fantastic first half, had more saves than I could count and didn't let Iceland score until 8 minutes into the game, but couldn't keep up the same standard for the whole game. And can't be expected to. I would've liked to see Per Sandström in the squad - that boy has potential. I think he could have been a asset between the goalposts.
We've got one more chance next Saturday and need to win by at least five goals, so I hope the boys are World Cup-hungry enough to kick some ass. I know I am.
Oh, look at me being the sports girl.
I like! Looks nice. High five, babe!
Also, varför skulle man skriver ett inlägg om sport utan att posta bilder? Hmmmm? ;)
*slaps forehead* Shame on me, shame on me. You're right, of course.
Jag gottgör dig i nästa inlägg. Lovar. ;)
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