Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Anger management

That stupid git. That completely empty-headed man of a football coach. He's created a scandal where there wasn't one.
Okay, anger out of the system.

Lars Lagerbäck has sent Zlatan, Chippen and Mellberg home from the EC qualifying rounds assembly, because they went out after 'curfew' to have a drink to celebrate Mellberg's birthday.

I can only go on what I've read, and if there's more to it than that I might have to change my mind, but if there isn't...
They left at some point between 11 pm and midnight, and were back at 1 am. They had a glass of champagne/a few drinks (depending on whom you choose to believe). They weren't drunk. They didn't misbehave. It didn't affect their participation the next day. They're not given the opportunity to explain or apologise followed by a warning, but are sent home immediately after the coach finds out.

As it seems now, all three players might refuse to come back to the team while Lagerbäck remains, and if what I've read is correct, I wouldn't blame them. It sucks for the rest of the team and for the EC, but I blame the coach, not the players. I do realise they broke the rules, but I feel that to be kicked out is too hard a punishment.



Anonymous said...

Sounds like he's just trying to make an example of them. Psh -- overrated. Coaches are all for melodrama sometimes, but even I can see where this is overstepping the line.

Anonymous said...

Jag håller med dig Katta! Snacka om att göra en höna av en fjäder. :/