Theatre mania
Home. Yep, I survived London and London survived me, and I've got my dosis of much needed theatre. Three shows in three days; Blood Brothers, Avenue Q and Rock You.Avenue Q. Oh. My. God. It was seriously one of the best things I have ever seen in my life (and yes, I am aware that I used to say the same thing about Rock You). It was simply genious, and the changes they'd made from the the Broadway version worked so well, in most cases. For example:
'Here's a coin that says "euro" on it. But that won't buy anything!'
'Hallelujah! I haven't felt this good since I sued my parents.'
Everyone were amazing. Julie Atherton (Kate/Lucy) is my new girlcrush. She was so incredibly cute and her voice was sofa king strong I got goosebumps during 'Fine, Fine Line'. I also fell in love with Simon Lipkin (Nicky/Trekkie) whose facial expressions and line delivery made me cry with laughter. 'Me need to hurry home!' He was very different to Rick Lyon, which was just good since you appreciated his performance for what it was even more. Giles Terera rocked as Gary Coleman. I was apprehensive of a male Gary, but it worked perfectly even though they'd had to change some some songs so that he could hit the notes. 'I was the cutest little black kid on TV - I made a million dollars that my parents stole from me - my life was over when I hit puberty, but I'm here, fixing the toilets on Avenue Q!'
Best thing, I was coughing all the way through the show.
And a good cough it turned out to be, too.
Sorry. I'm still influenced by the Bad Idea Bears. They're so cute.
Spending time with the family was nice, too. Tommy's gotten married! I'm so out of the loop. Richard is studying Hebrew and is apparently almost as much of a language geek as I am. Jodie looks beautiful and so grown up. Robbie is twelve! I still remember the little six year old who was stomping as loudly as he possibly could to demonstrate his displeasure about having to go to bed. And my auntie can be so hillarious... My grandfather accidentally stepped on my grandmother's foot under the table, and I quote: "Ni får ju bestämma om hon ska vara mellan dina ben eller om du ska vara mellan hennes!" Oh, you should have seen my grandfather's face.
I wonder when I'll get to go to London next. It has to be before Q stops running, that is for sure. Seeing it once is not enough - god, I hope it gets extended, and that the cast stays.
(photos belong to
Mmm, check out those booooys -- more like Avenue Qute! :D
And yay for language nerdiness running in the family! I can't use that excuse myself, but thank God somebody else can. :)
Heh. Avenue Qute. You might be onto something there - I wouldnt know, I was too busy paying attention to their talent... Ah, screw it. Yeah, they were all hot. The girls as much as the boys, actually!
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