Why I love my studies
Goddamn stupid migraine. And now I have to finish the stupid semantics thing, too. Okay, so it's really quite interesting, but my head hurts.
Lunch today was a very entertaining hour. We spent it trying to think of words starting with an 's' (what? we're in linguistics, we're supposed to do geeky stuff like that) for Sara, so that she'll know what to say the next time she ends up in a group of people having to get to know each other by sitting in a circle and stating an interest or something they like starting with the same letter as their own name, like we did last semester. She's got a whole arsenal now.
Spindelägg, smilfinkar, stiletter, snickeri, stigbyglar, samåkning, stalakiter, skunkar, smurfar, stigmata, samovarer, Silvia, sumobrottare, smekningar, slampor, spelautomater, snuskhumrar, skandaler, simkuddar, skumbananer, sablar, smisk and snuttefiltar were among the offerings.
Johan's favourites were sodomy and Satan. I kinda liked them, too.
And some more linguistic filth that Frida dug up when expanding her material from Parole: "Som en termometer när solen kommer en varm junidag reste sig hans lem."
I swear to you, 50 percent of all the material has to come from pornographic short stories. Written by extremely repetetitive authors.
Lunch today was a very entertaining hour. We spent it trying to think of words starting with an 's' (what? we're in linguistics, we're supposed to do geeky stuff like that) for Sara, so that she'll know what to say the next time she ends up in a group of people having to get to know each other by sitting in a circle and stating an interest or something they like starting with the same letter as their own name, like we did last semester. She's got a whole arsenal now.
Spindelägg, smilfinkar, stiletter, snickeri, stigbyglar, samåkning, stalakiter, skunkar, smurfar, stigmata, samovarer, Silvia, sumobrottare, smekningar, slampor, spelautomater, snuskhumrar, skandaler, simkuddar, skumbananer, sablar, smisk and snuttefiltar were among the offerings.
Johan's favourites were sodomy and Satan. I kinda liked them, too.
And some more linguistic filth that Frida dug up when expanding her material from Parole: "Som en termometer när solen kommer en varm junidag reste sig hans lem."
I swear to you, 50 percent of all the material has to come from pornographic short stories. Written by extremely repetetitive authors.
"Repetetitive". :D
See what I did there? ;)
OMG OMG OMG!!! Man KAN klicka på numret bredvid meningarna i Parole och få mer av sammanhanget... :D
Men det gav upphov till nya frågetecken: Rör det sig om en trekant?! Eller är Storklas ett annat namn för...Petter-Niklas? :O
???????????!!!!!!!!!!! Frida, I have no words...
Bwahaha! Det skulle ju vara en möjlig förklaring till Storklas.
Ida, nu ångrar du att du valde att inte gå semantiken, va? ;)
Eller inte....
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