Pain is not for babies
Ow. When the gaping hole where your tooth used to be starts hurting before the anaesthesia has worn off completely, you can tell you're in for a fun ride. And the best part? Apparently Wednesday and Thursday are going to be the worst. We have our semantics presentation on Wedneday, and the prosody home exam is supposed to be handed in on Friday. I don't stand a chance in hell of making it.
A few photos from Sunday's wedding:
Me and my gorgeous cousin, the bride herself.

Cousin number two. Nic took that photo, I love it. She sort of ran off with the camera and started snapping away, and half of all the photos we have are taken by her. And they're good, too!

Nicole, my beautiful, beautiful goddaughter. She did so good in the church during the ceremony I thought my heart was positively going to burst with pride.

I think I'm going to go and take some painkillers now.
eta - too late. Ow, ow, ow. And this is going to get worse until Wednesday or Thursday? Just kill me now.
A few photos from Sunday's wedding:
Me and my gorgeous cousin, the bride herself.

Cousin number two. Nic took that photo, I love it. She sort of ran off with the camera and started snapping away, and half of all the photos we have are taken by her. And they're good, too!

Nicole, my beautiful, beautiful goddaughter. She did so good in the church during the ceremony I thought my heart was positively going to burst with pride.

I think I'm going to go and take some painkillers now.
eta - too late. Ow, ow, ow. And this is going to get worse until Wednesday or Thursday? Just kill me now.
Wonderful pictures. I especially like the last one. :)
Btw (non-related, but related to the last entry) you realize you can watch last week's episode on, right? Tonight's the FINALE!
OH - MY - GOD! Incredible.
You must notify me immediately after you watch the finale. :-O
Thanks very much. :)
And no, I can't, unfortunately. I tried that as soon as the show started, but I think it only works if you're in the States. it doesn't work here, anyway. "Not available in your location." :(
But I will definitely notify you!
Bilderna!! Du passar verkligen i de nya glajorna. =)
The Official Supernatural Drinking Game, Round 2, kanske kan pigga upp tillvaron lite, trots allt...
Gustav - man tackar! Jag förstår inte hur jag klarade mig utan dem.
Ida - hehe, kanske det! Jag tycker fortfarande att del 1 är bäst, men tvåan är skön den också. :D
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