I... It's... I can't...
You did not do that. You did not just do that. Kripke, you bastard. Damn you, you evil, evil bastard, DAMN YOU TO HELL.
You are awesome. I hate you.
I have this really annoying beeping going on in my room. I don't know where it comes from, but it's driving me crazy and I can't sleep at night because of it. It's not me having tinnitus (thank god for small mercies) because my mum hears it as well, but it's something, and I want it to stop. This month is stressful enough without adding a lack of sleep on top of everything, really.
You did not do that. You did not just do that. Kripke, you bastard. Damn you, you evil, evil bastard, DAMN YOU TO HELL.
You are awesome. I hate you.
I have this really annoying beeping going on in my room. I don't know where it comes from, but it's driving me crazy and I can't sleep at night because of it. It's not me having tinnitus (thank god for small mercies) because my mum hears it as well, but it's something, and I want it to stop. This month is stressful enough without adding a lack of sleep on top of everything, really.
Heh, I have a watch that goes off at 8:06 every night for sixty seconds. It drives me and Anthony crazy, but the button on the watch that controls the alarm is gone completely, and poking a piece of wire, a toothpick, and a knitting needle down inside hasn't worked yet. If it was me there instead of you, I wouldn't be able to sleep at all with a beeping.
Also, a little late to get into the Parole convo, but OMGGGG.
"... fnittrade han och rörde sin lem inne i mej."
Ooookaaaaaaay. Talk about real-life usage.
Nej, nej du menar väl ändå inte...det kan inte vara möjligt. Eller?! Arrghh!!! Blir galen! Kripke's going down. You hear me, DOWN!
Logan - heh, you found Parole! Fun, isn't it? Bet you wish you could take Semantics & Pragmatics in Sweden now. ;)
And boo to beeping stuff at night.
Ida, jo. Jo. Det är möjligt. Allt är möjligt, tydligen! Kripke är ondskefull och drar sig inte för nånting och det vi såg i promon är inte ens det värsta, nästan. Eller, jo, det är det väl, men så mycket annat. Mannen måste ha baserat The Yellow-Eyed Demon på sig själv. Eep.
Det måste ju gå att identifiera pipandet och få tyst på det!
Psst: En sökning på "varmt" ger mer info om Storklas...sakta men säkert faller pusselbitarna på plats. ;)
Och just det...du har mail! :)
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