Friday, May 11, 2007


I... It's... I can't...
You did not do that. You did not just do that. Kripke, you bastard. Damn you, you evil, evil bastard, DAMN YOU TO HELL.
You are awesome. I hate you.

I have this really annoying beeping going on in my room. I don't know where it comes from, but it's driving me crazy and I can't sleep at night because of it. It's not me having tinnitus (thank god for small mercies) because my mum hears it as well, but it's something, and I want it to stop. This month is stressful enough without adding a lack of sleep on top of everything, really.


Logan said...

Heh, I have a watch that goes off at 8:06 every night for sixty seconds. It drives me and Anthony crazy, but the button on the watch that controls the alarm is gone completely, and poking a piece of wire, a toothpick, and a knitting needle down inside hasn't worked yet. If it was me there instead of you, I wouldn't be able to sleep at all with a beeping.

Also, a little late to get into the Parole convo, but OMGGGG.
"... fnittrade han och rörde sin lem inne i mej."
Ooookaaaaaaay. Talk about real-life usage.

Ida said...

Nej, nej du menar väl ändå inte...det kan inte vara möjligt. Eller?! Arrghh!!! Blir galen! Kripke's going down. You hear me, DOWN!

Kat said...

Logan - heh, you found Parole! Fun, isn't it? Bet you wish you could take Semantics & Pragmatics in Sweden now. ;)
And boo to beeping stuff at night.

Ida, jo. Jo. Det är möjligt. Allt är möjligt, tydligen! Kripke är ondskefull och drar sig inte för nånting och det vi såg i promon är inte ens det värsta, nästan. Eller, jo, det är det väl, men så mycket annat. Mannen måste ha baserat The Yellow-Eyed Demon på sig själv. Eep.

Frida said...

Det måste ju gå att identifiera pipandet och få tyst på det!

Psst: En sökning på "varmt" ger mer info om Storklas...sakta men säkert faller pusselbitarna på plats. ;)

Och just det...du har mail! :)