What fun we have
Our semantics lecturer was talking about constituents earlier today, and it was kinda out there as usual. Sometimes I really don't think she knows what she's talking about, and she reads most stuff straight off her powerpoint presentation. Anyway, at one point she said about said constituents, "And a lot of them are redundant."
The first thing in my mind was, "Yeah, well, so are you."
I felt mean. But good.
And every time I read the name "Jackendoff" on the handout I have to keep from giggling. My brain keeps crossing out the "end" in the middle.
edited because I refuse to make three entries in one day.
So, because Refur is awesome, even though she does keep breaking me like whoa, and we both need some happy distraction until Friday, she hereby gets smiley, gleeful Dean (who's just had pie) and not so smiley, holy crap, my cellmate is bigger than me, Dean, make him smaller Sam.

Hope you enjoy, dear!
(Ida, I am working on a little something for you, too.)
The first thing in my mind was, "Yeah, well, so are you."
I felt mean. But good.
And every time I read the name "Jackendoff" on the handout I have to keep from giggling. My brain keeps crossing out the "end" in the middle.
edited because I refuse to make three entries in one day.
So, because Refur is awesome, even though she does keep breaking me like whoa, and we both need some happy distraction until Friday, she hereby gets smiley, gleeful Dean (who's just had pie) and not so smiley, holy crap, my cellmate is bigger than me, Dean, make him smaller Sam.

Hope you enjoy, dear!
(Ida, I am working on a little something for you, too.)
Ju mer du berättar om er semantikkurs desto säkrare blir jag på att det faktiskt var ett bra val av mig att hoppa över den.
Men jag tycker synd om er som måste läsa den.
Just det. Tror att du skickade fel fil till mig innan. Såg ut som promon för sista avsnittet om jag inte tar helt fel...
Argh, nej, förlåt! Måste ha tryckt fel på nåt. Hoppas att jag inte förstörde för mycket. :/
Ja, du missar verkligen inget. Suck.
Du är verkligen skillad på rita Katta. Jag trugar (bugar) ! =)
Hoooooooly wow. You are good, baby.
Have you ever drawn yourself? Just interested (as in, "post it already, que la quiero ver"-interested). ;)
Okay, I'm done. For now... ;)
Gustav - jag tackar och bockar. :) För det mesta har jag bara en massa halvfärdiga skisser liggande, men nån gång får jag ett ryck och gör faktiskt klart dem.
Logan - aww, thanks. And no, actually I haven't. Or, well, I have, but it was quite some time ago and in charcoal. In other words, it's not that good a drawing. :P
And shut up, shut up, I haven't seen it yet and you're killing me with the anticipation!
Although, still, yay for you being hooked. ;)
Eeeee yay shiny pictures! Happy pie!Dean! Not happy but also standing up and conscious!Sam! Wheee!
Thank you, sweetie! Those are awesome. I shall have to make a note to break you some more. *nods*
*does the shiny picures pachenga* Glad you like!
Break away. You are very good at it, and a skill like that has to be used. I'll be in the corner, sniffing over the picspam.
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