Friday, May 18, 2007

Oh noes

Eep. Remember how I got a dentist's appointment to get my wisdom tooth pulled? Yeah, for Monday the 27th. Only we just discovered that the 27th isn't actually a Monday at all, so I made a call to double check when I was really supposed to be there. Well, it turned out that it was Monday the 21st, as in this coming Monday. Oh, God, I'm not ready, I haven't prepared myself mentally. I need a whole week for that.

Oh, and also? Kripke is a bastard. And this time I don't even mean it in the good way.


Logan said...

Be strong, ho! You can do it! You a tough girl! You go, girl!

UGH, hurry up and get over here so we can watch "Heroes" episodes all weekend.

Kat said...

I can. Right? I'm not going to wuss out. Bitches aren't scared of the dentist.

And you know, a 'Heroes' marathon is so on the to-do list for our meeting up. Seriously, in what other show is the villain so hot?

Logan said...

I'm watching a marathon right now, in fact. Have been all day. :)

And yes, he's quite the hot little stinker, isn't he? There are plenty of hot villains out there, but this one's got Milo involved. That's reason enough. ;)

Logan said...

A'ight, kiddo. I am now ready -- completely, utterly, unequivocably, undeniably ready -- for tomorrow's "Heroes" finale. I watched every episode online this weekend, and I'm finally done. I so rock. :P

Kat said...

*jealous* I still haven't been able to download last week's episode!

Everything's better with Milo involved. ;)