Who knew linguistics were so dirty?
Turns out that when you search the Swedish Parole language database for 'korpusbelägg' (corpus evidence?) for words such as 'warm' and 'hot', you get several extremely interesting examples. Some of them involve a seemingly kinky woman called Getrude. No, not Gertrude. Getrude. Sometimes she's drinking snaps, sometimes she's feeling numbingly warm from arousal, and sometimes she's on her back in a back seat doing...one thing or another.
Someone is kissing someone else 'steamingly hot and wet'. Someone is having 'sexual feelings' when seeing someone else who's looking 'hot and dry'. And a guy named Martin keeps getting hot all over, there is some talk about 'splashing' where he's concerned, and every Saturday night a 'he' (and I'm betting we're still on Martin here) gets hot and wants to crawl into some girl's bed.
And seriously, this sentence? "Storklas levde i mej, stor och varm och buffade på min livmoderhals."
I just... I have no words.
I don't even want to know where the material in the database comes from, but we did get a few good giggles out of it.
Someone is kissing someone else 'steamingly hot and wet'. Someone is having 'sexual feelings' when seeing someone else who's looking 'hot and dry'. And a guy named Martin keeps getting hot all over, there is some talk about 'splashing' where he's concerned, and every Saturday night a 'he' (and I'm betting we're still on Martin here) gets hot and wants to crawl into some girl's bed.
And seriously, this sentence? "Storklas levde i mej, stor och varm och buffade på min livmoderhals."
I just... I have no words.
I don't even want to know where the material in the database comes from, but we did get a few good giggles out of it.
Hahaha! Oh.my.god. I almost fell off my chair laughing! People are just weird.
No comments. I just wanted to say that you've got mail! :)
Jag var tvungen att göra en sökning på Getrud för att se om det är ett faktiskt namn eller ett stavfel... Det mesta tyder på stavfel, men jag hittade i alla fall det här. Förhoppningsvis är det inte DEN Getrud det handlar om i parole... :D :P
Jag har nu skrivit ut ytterligare 50 korpusbelägg var för "kall" och "varm" till polysemiuppgiften. Utan att gå in på detaljer så blir det inte mindre snuskigt... ;)
I'm not sure I know about this site (and wasn't successful in Googling for it). Link, please.
(I watched "Heroes" last night. Okay, I'm hooked. Your fault.)
Frida, det var inga dåliga exempel du hade fått! *fniss*
Logan - Språkbanken. And when you're doing a search you have to use "-----", or you won't get any results. Have fun!
And YAY! I get to say "I told you so". ;) Although I can't take all the credit, can I? Anthony has to have something to do with it.
Och aww! Getrud är så söt! (det fungerade i Firefox!)
hahaha. Ehrm..öööhm...nej - jag väljer att ge dig primitiva uttrycken jag nyss försökte mig på att beskriva min känsla för det här! :-D
Gustav - det är nästan det enda som över huvud taget kan beskriva ens reaktion på korpusbeläggen, så inga vidare ord krävs! :)
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