Wednesday, May 30, 2007


1. Song: Boston's Foreplay/Long Time, or Clash's I Fought The Law. Still trying to get Joey Ramone out of my head. Also, I've discovered that it's physically impossible for me not to rock in time with the rhythm of Lifehouse's Breathing. God, I love that song.
2. Quote: "Never before has necrophilia sparked so much friendship!"
3. Annoyance: The gaping hole where my tooth used to be. It doesn't quite hurt anymore, it's just weird.
4. Scare: The fucking huge tick discovered on Biggles. Damn, I hate those creatures. They're almost as bad as wasps.

Completely forgot number 5, the day's "No fucking way!" moment: My bike's been stolen. Had it for two months, and now it's gone. Not. Cool.

And just because I'm a music freak I'm going to post my favourite playlist, named "The Greatest Hits of Mullet Rock", because, well... Ahem.
Technically, it's not all rock, but still.

Fire Of Unknown Origin - Blue Oyster Cult
Fight The Good Fight - Triumph
Highway to Hell - AC/DC
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother - The Hollies
I'm In Love With My Car - Queen
I Fought the Law - The Clash
Turn The Page - Metallica
Fly By Night - Rush
Dream On - Aerosmith
Stonehenge - Spinal Tap
Don't Fear The Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult
Laugh I Nearly Died - Rolling Stones
You Shook Me All Night Long - AC/DC
Road to Nowhere - Ozzy Osbourne
Walk Away - Joe Walsh
Baba O'Reilly - The Who
Pour Some Sugar On Me - Def Leppard
Bad Moon Rising - Creedence Clearwater Revival
Cold As Ice - Foreigner
Carry On My Wayward Son - Kansas
The Living Years - Mike and the Mechanics
Back In Black - AC/DC
Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane
Wheel In The Sky - Journey
Renegade - Styx
God's Gonna Cut You Down - Johnny Cash
Save Yourself - Johnny Lang
House Of The Rising Sun - The Animals
Silent Lucidity - Queensryche
What Is And What Should Never Be - Led Zeppelin
What a Wonderful World - Joey Ramone
Foreplay/Long Time - Boston
Enter Sandman - Metallica
Hell Hound On My Trail - Robert Johnson


Anonymous said...

Tooo weird! Jag har lyssnat på Breathing hela dagen! Ibland blir jag nästan rädd för oss två ;) kram

Kat said...

Yay för Lifehouse! :) Visst är den underbar. Hur var det, var den på din födelsedagsskiva? Eller var det Hanging By A Moment? *kram*

Anonymous said...

Alldeles fantastisk! Det var Hanging By A Moment. :)

Ida said...

Ok. Behöver ju egentligen inte säga det här, men du har ju UTMÄRKT smak vad gäller musik tös!

Kat said...

Right back at ya!

Gustav said...

Mycket, mycket bra musik på den listan! Pour some sugar on me är en favorit, likaså White Rabbit (naturligtvis)

Kudos! =)

Logan said...

I've heard six of the songs listed. Ahem. :P

Kat said...

Gustav - cheers. ;) Så du gillar Def Leppard? Det visste jag inte! :)

Logan - Okay, now you have to tell me which those six songs are (so that I can tell you which other songs you just have to hear, of course). :P

Frida said...

Åh nej! Cykeln... :(

Logan said...

Highway to Hell, Don't Fear The Reaper, Pour Some Sugar on Me, Cold as Ice, Back in Black, and What a Wonderful World. Try all you want, I ain't budgin' when it comes to (crappy) rock. :P

Kat said...

Dude. "Crappy" rock?! I'm going to pretend I didn't see that. :P
Give 'He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother', 'You Shook Me All Night Long', 'Dream On', 'Renegade' and 'Carry On My Wayward Son' a chance. And you cannot go through life without having heard Pink Floyd's 'Wish You Were Here'!
Pretty please? :)

Logan said...

Hm hm, we'll see. ;)