Thursday, November 09, 2006

The best soy latte that you ever had

Wine, ice cream cake, bisquits, samba music, cool people and a Tjernobyl theme. All in all, a great night.

I've figured out that the best way to keep yourself from going out after a party is to not bring any money, your ID or credit card with you when you leave home. If I had, the others would've totally been able to convince me of going with them to Wermland's, which would have ruined my plans of getting up early tomorrow to go to Ikea.

I still think it's cool that V's friend is my coursemate's friend's coursemate. V, I don't know what it is, but you two kinda look like each other.


Anonymous said...

Haha, you think? Never heard that before, I'm not sure Susanne would be overly happy you said that ;P Lund really has to be very little for you to bump into each other like that! By the way: wan't anything special for your B-day? ;) *lotsa hugs*

Johnny said...

I like that you spell biscuits bisquits.

Kat said...

Yeah, I'll just pretend I did that on purpose...

And V, you're mean to yourself :P You're both pretty.
And I don't want nuthin' except for well wishes! :D