Friday, April 20, 2007


YouTube is letting me down. Sniff.
It's driving me fucking crazy that I don't have access to the US iTunes store. I want those iTunes cards, damn it! I should've remembered to beg Genna to pick some up for me.

I felt like taking some pictures in town yesterday - the weather was boring and the light wasn't good, but anyway, here are a few.

Heroes is back on Monday. That deserves a little squeeage.


Logan said...

"Squeeage"? ... I'll say nothing. This time. :P

And seriously, if only you knew somebody who lived in the U.S. -- think of how much easier it'd be...



Kat said...

Hey, 'squeeage' is a word! And a good word, at that. :P Right, V?

I know you'd be up for it - and you know I love you for that! - but I've just realised that I'm not sure they'd work. Can you really use them without logging in?

Logan said...

I don't know. I've never used iTunes. :P

Kat said...

Pah. iTunes is the best.
Most of the time, when you don't want to kick the store.

Anonymous said...

It is indeed! :)

Gustav said...

Gillar bilderna - den första bilden kan man lätt missta att den är tagen i början av förra århundradet om vi bortset från en skylt bara! =)

Kat said...

V, knew you'd back me up! ;)

Gustav - tackar! Ja, Face hade de nog inte på den tiden... :)