Thursday, April 26, 2007

Springtime's good for picnics and cycling

According to tonight's weather rapport, it's going to get colder over the weekend and Valborg will be enjoyed in ten to fifteen degrees. Terrific. It's been summery all week, and now the weather's gonna decide we've had enough warmth for a while? When we're planning a Stadsparks-picnic? Bugger that. We demand sun. At least during the day.

I took my new bike (yes, new and so wonderfully easy to ride on) and went for a ride today - ended up going almost all the way to Sandby and back, 9 or so miles. Took me an hour and boy was I warm when I got home... I didn't realise I had fair wind on my way out, so going back was a bit more strenous. Not to mention that I ended up behind a truck on a narrow gravelpath and breathed in way too much dust for it to be healthy. Nice. Still, except for that it was a nice little trip.


Anonymous said...

We still have nice weather I'll try and send you some!

Logan said...

Soooo I'm guessing that since you're on a bike that your ankle is considerably better?

Did you know that Brits and Americans use the word "warm" differently? Namely, to use "warm" is really mild. Nobody ever says that they're warm over here, so it sounded funny when I read it and made me go "heehee!". :P

Kat said...

V - well, it's still sunny. That's something. But thirteen degrees is cold for a picnic. :(

Logan - ankle is definitely better. I can even walk properly! Only hurts when I bend it too much or press it in the wrong place.
Hmm. I never thought about that use of 'warm' being weird. I *think* Brits use it that way, but now you've made me all unsure! :P