I was looking at Adobe's website the other day, thinking of getting PhotoShop, when I realised... 10 000 sek? Jesus friggin' Christ! I want it, I really, really do, but not that bad. No thank you, I'm doing just fine with AppleWorks.
Well, I'm not, really, but it gets the work done. Kind of. A little bit of it. I've figured out how to make mood icons with text on them, anyway! Go me!
And hee, I got the coolest body detergent from Ida today - Extra Abrasive Bitch. It eliminates mean streaks and even contains PMS neutralizer. And let's not forget the mudcake, which was yum!
So, awesomeness for the both of us.
Well, I'm not, really, but it gets the work done. Kind of. A little bit of it. I've figured out how to make mood icons with text on them, anyway! Go me!

So, awesomeness for the both of us.
Photoshop är förbannat dyrt - jag har CS2 som jag naturligtvis har erhm köpt ;-)
Det finns väl en lite enklare version av PS som vanliga döda t.o.m. kan ha råd med?
Det borde ju göra det, eller hur? Men jag vet inte. Men nån slags grafikarbetningsprogram för Mac vill jag i alla fall ha tag på... Om du skulle stöta på något så meddela mig gärna! ;)
Jag rekommenderar GIMP. Open souce och gör det mesta av det som finns i PS som en vanlig användare har nytta av.
He IS awesome! And hot. ;-)
I recommend GIMP, too. If you can't find it already licensed online, it's the free way to go.
Photoshop Elements heter det tror jag! Det brukar t.o.m. alltid följa med när man köper ny digitalkamera.
Elements är ju visserligen en bantad version då men det är bara proffsfunktioner som är borta.
Jag skulle rekommendera det - trots att GIMP är gratis.
Ah, jag tackar för tipsen! Ska kolla upp både Photoshop Elements och GIMP.
Logan, you are right, he is both awesome and hot. Although in this case, the 'awesome' was referring to both Ida and me. ;)
And OMG. OMG! You just got kicked off "Shear Genius". I can't believe it. :(
I was? Oh noes!
Did I at least leave in a classy way?
Nope, you left as the first of two people to get kicked off in the same episode. You must have really sucked. :D
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