Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Quitters, all of us

So, Lugi lost. No more handball for my boys this season, no semi-finals, no final, no nothing. And, you know, I could live with that. I could live with that if we'd gone out fighting, fighting hard and just not making it. But losing by 21 to 31 against Skövde of all teams, after a game so fucking horrible and sloppy I couldn't even watch the last ten minutes, that is not okay. Damn, guys. What the hell happened? What happened to the team that hasn't been beaten at home in Lund all season? You chose this match to let them break that suite?

I'm giving up on Neurolinguistics, two weeks into the course. A part of me doesn't want to. I feel like a quitter, and I mean, it's interesting, I know that, theoretically. I want to think it's interesting, but I just don't feel that it's interesting. It's too much science for me. If I never hear the words 'neuron' or 'features' again, I'll be happy. And it sucks, because I really wanted to take this course, and I wanted to enjoy it.

Semantics and pragmatics, on the other hand, that is interesting. Today we got the question, "What is 'meaning'?" (in the linguistic sense of the word, first and foremost). And you try explaining - or just discussing - the word 'meaning' without using the word 'means'! (A problem which is apparantly called 'circularity'.) It was totally confusing and awesome.
I think we did come to a conclusion of sorts in the end... I at least got fond of the term 'learnt association'.
This is the kind of stuff I want to focus on.
And now I really want to study the phonesthemes in onomatopoetic words. I've never really thought of them - morphemes have always been the smallest meaningful units in the language to me, but she's right, the phonesthemes do mean something.


Gustav said...

"What is 'meaning'?" Jaha! Jag som hade tänkt att sova nu - men det kan jag inte göra förrens åtskilliga timmar och det är ditt fel.
Bara ditt!

*funderar på mening*


Logan said...

Meaning is the psychological reaction a person correlates between an object, a situation, an active state, or an understood unknown and any discernable purpose it maintains or can cause.

I say this with all the narcissism and self-love that my exhaused 145-pound body can muster : I am, undoubtedly, irrevokably, undeniably, the shit.


Logan said...

And OOOOH MYYYY GOOOOOOD, why didn't you tell me that you were on the new show "Shear Genius"!?!


Kat said...

Gustav - blir det lättare om du tänker 'betydelse' istället för 'mening'? :P Det var betydelse vi diskuterade.
Lycka till! ;)

Logan - you are such a showoff. But you are also teh awesome (and yes, the shit), so I'll let you off. :D

As for 'Shear Genius', well... I wanted to keep a low profile. ;)