I have a cold coming, and I thought I'd post before it takes hold completely and leaves me unable to do anything but whine.
Wednesday is a long day. Two different sets of lectures, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I've gotten so spoiled with only having two or three hours a day for the last couple of months. Funny thing is, though, I don't mind at all. Sure, it's a little tiring, but it's too much fun to be annoyed. And it's great to see how many are taking 'Grammar' - we're practically as many now as we were at the A level.
You know what else is great? Picking up your exam only to discover that the grade you received was wrong and that you'd actually done better than you thought you did. That's quite nice.
I don't want to jinx anything, but there might be a very, very good reason to go to London and see Avenue Q this summer. I'm keeping everything crossed. Fingers, legs and toes.
By the way, Supernatural spoilers are teh awesome. I dont know how I'm going to be able to wait for over a week. And Jared and Jensen make me giggle - in an interview they were asked what kind of movies they watch, answered that they both like Westerns and then... Well, elaborated.
Jensen: When I was six years old I used to get up in the morning, put on a leather belt with two six-shooter cap guns and roam around the house. Very little's changed.
Jared: Me too. I still wear arseless chaps around the house, actually. I'm a special kinda cowboy!
I pity Jared's publicist.
Wednesday is a long day. Two different sets of lectures, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I've gotten so spoiled with only having two or three hours a day for the last couple of months. Funny thing is, though, I don't mind at all. Sure, it's a little tiring, but it's too much fun to be annoyed. And it's great to see how many are taking 'Grammar' - we're practically as many now as we were at the A level.
You know what else is great? Picking up your exam only to discover that the grade you received was wrong and that you'd actually done better than you thought you did. That's quite nice.
I don't want to jinx anything, but there might be a very, very good reason to go to London and see Avenue Q this summer. I'm keeping everything crossed. Fingers, legs and toes.
By the way, Supernatural spoilers are teh awesome. I dont know how I'm going to be able to wait for over a week. And Jared and Jensen make me giggle - in an interview they were asked what kind of movies they watch, answered that they both like Westerns and then... Well, elaborated.
Jensen: When I was six years old I used to get up in the morning, put on a leather belt with two six-shooter cap guns and roam around the house. Very little's changed.
Jared: Me too. I still wear arseless chaps around the house, actually. I'm a special kinda cowboy!
I pity Jared's publicist.
Aw, that photo of you in the other post is adorable =) And I love Jared! About my post: There goes me feeling all uneducated ;)
(struntar i engelskan nu ;P )Hehe, okej då kan jag vara lite mer lugn ;) Nope inga bilder men jag besöker ett par gånger om dagen haha, just om 2.14 står det ytterst lite dock =/ Jag är ikapp, för länge sen ;)
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