The jig is up
I'm tired. This whole only having lectures twice a week... Sure, it sounds neat, but it's really not. Having nothing to do somehow takes away all my energy. I need a job. And dudes, we need to arrange that study group we were talking about - a few more weeks of this hanging around at home and I'm going to be stark raving mad. So now, I'm going to drag my ass up into town, shop for some gifts, maybe sit down and read for a bit a the café. Tomorrow I'm going swimming. I need to find some sort of structure, get a routine. Do something besides yawning.
Oh, the Swedish cast of Avenue Q was on TV the other day. My reaction was... Eh. 'It sucks to be me' - 'Det är skit att vara jag'? "Det är skit att va' jag! Det suger helt fett!" Sigh. No, I'm not getting into the translation debate - again - but you can see where I'm going, right?
The puppet voices sounded more childish than anything else. Christmas Eve was sort of, well, bad. I'll still want to go see it, of course, there's no way I could resist. But you are all running the risk of having me bitching afterwards. Not that me bitching is new.
Oh, one more thing... I know I have what you might call and odd taste in music, but please, people, tell me you know where this is from.
Oh mama I'm in fear for my life
From the long arm of the law
Lawman has put an end to my running
And I'm so far from my home
Oh, the Swedish cast of Avenue Q was on TV the other day. My reaction was... Eh. 'It sucks to be me' - 'Det är skit att vara jag'? "Det är skit att va' jag! Det suger helt fett!" Sigh. No, I'm not getting into the translation debate - again - but you can see where I'm going, right?
The puppet voices sounded more childish than anything else. Christmas Eve was sort of, well, bad. I'll still want to go see it, of course, there's no way I could resist. But you are all running the risk of having me bitching afterwards. Not that me bitching is new.
Oh, one more thing... I know I have what you might call and odd taste in music, but please, people, tell me you know where this is from.
Oh mama I'm in fear for my life
From the long arm of the law
Lawman has put an end to my running
And I'm so far from my home
Heh. I found this the other day - I think it's from the second grade. MiniMe.
Ah, tonight is the night of ogling. Yes, yes, it's Supernatural night.
Jag håller med dig, man blir seeeg av att ha så lite schemalagd tid. Vi får ta upp det där med att starta en studiegrupp när vi ses på onsdag!
Trevlig blogg förresten! :-)
Styx - "Renegade". ;)
AvenueQ på svenska, nej tack bevare mig väl! (Dessutom så suger översättningarna)
Fin bild på som ung! Jag ska nog följa ditt exempel och göra samma sak hos mig. =)
Frida - yay för studiegruppen! Blir skönt att få något att göra åtminstone en dag till. Och förhoppningsvis blir det inte fullt så intensivt med tentapluggande sista veckan heller.
Logan - *phew* ;)
Gustav - ja, gör det! Om jag inte minns fel från det jag har sett var du en väldigt söt liten pojk. ;)
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