I fell into a burning ring of fire
Lyrics quiz solution:
1. ACDC - Shook Me All Night Long
2. Kansas - Carry On My Wayward Son
3. Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars *point to V*
4. Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down
5. ACDC - Back In Black
6. Beth Nielson Chapman - Say Goodnight, Not Goodbye
7. Nickelback - Photograph *point to V*
8. Athlete - Chances
9. Metallica - Enter Sandman
10. Triumph - Fight The Good Fight
11. Keane - We Might As Well Be Strangers *point to V*
I'm very disappointed in the rest of you. You should hear me clicking my tounge.
I passed the 'Language Acquisition' exam! One down, one to go. And I'm so counting on having to complement on the other one, but at least it's done for now. So now, we move on to 'Theoretical Grammar' and 'Human Voice and Speech'... Damn, I love this.
Looks like I really will be trying to do an extra five credits with 'neurolingvistik' - this is the last semester they'll be doing that course until 2009, or so. I really don't want to wait that long. What made me extra sad though, was that 'psykolingvistik' is done. No more. That was one course I was definitely looking forward to taking.
We're seeing 'Rocky VI' tonight. Puffy Stalone and Milo V, I can't wait. But do not go see 'Holiday'. You'll be nauseous from all the sugar.
I did my best, but I should have known 4 and 9 too! =( And poopoo to you other guys for not even trying ;)
Yay on the smartness of you! I knew you'd make it all along!
Hope the movie was good, but I'm not sure I could sit through that thing just to get to see Milo up there =/ I can't stand Sy so I think I'll just wait for the *hrm* dvd release.
Heh, you know, it wasn't all that bad, really! I actually enjoyed it, and I ususally have a hard time watching Stalone, too. It helped that every time they played the Rock theme, I started giggling because in my head I saw Kirk running around the dance floor holding the winner's cup over his head. ;)
Yay for you starting to wach Supernatural season 2!
Fasen. Jag borde ju kunnat Johnny Cash och Metallica, men icket sa nicke.
Grattis för att du klarade tentan! =)
[Uttalar ni 'psyko' som 'psyko' eller bara 'syko'? Bara nyfiken.]
Yay for finished tests! And I couldn't have gotten a single one of those songs. Our music tastes are way, way different. The only one I had exposure to was "Photograph", and I always promptly switched the song off whenever it was on. ;)
Gustav, Gustav... *skakar på huvudet* Fast du får plus för att du borde ha känt igen dem ;) Och tack!
Logan - you haven't heard Chasing Cars? Download now, bitch! And you get a minus point for switching off Photograh. :P
Hmm. 'Psyko'. Åtminstone jag, det finns säkert andra som säger 'sykolog' och 'sykolingvistik'.
Jag säger nog sykolog faktiskt, fast om jag känner för att vara mer korrekt så försöker jag lägga till ett p också. ;-)
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