In which I try (and fail miserably) not to curse
Oh, how I would love to pull a Lara right now... But I'm not as gifted as she is when it comes to cursing, so I will settle for fuckfuckfuckfuck (se, Gustav, jag sade ju att jag svär som en borstbindare) because I've sprained my hopeless fucking ankle again. Yeah. Just doing something as simple as crossing a friggin' street. You'd think that'd go smoothly, but not when you're me. No, when you're me, your ankle suddenly - without warning or reason - gives way in the middle of the street so that you have to limp the 400 meters left with tears in your eyes, begging God or whoever, anyone, to just let you get home and sit down.
I hate my fickle fucking feet.
On a slightly brighter note I picked up my new glasses before this happened, and wow! I can see!
Oh, and it's been a while since one of these. Not for a lack of making them, trust me, more for sympathy with my readers, but here we go.
I want an Impala for my birthday this year. Please? She's so pretty, and I promise I'll pet her and wash her and call her baby. Never mind that I don't have a driver's license.
I hate my fickle fucking feet.
On a slightly brighter note I picked up my new glasses before this happened, and wow! I can see!
Oh, and it's been a while since one of these. Not for a lack of making them, trust me, more for sympathy with my readers, but here we go.
I want an Impala for my birthday this year. Please? She's so pretty, and I promise I'll pet her and wash her and call her baby. Never mind that I don't have a driver's license.

Och just det ja, jag blev ju utmanad! Jag funderar, Gustav! Har inte hittat någon lämplig bild än.
Aww, poor clutzKatta. Maybe you should take up rollerblading or ice skating? It helps strengthen your ankles and still keep them flexible enough to avoid injury. :) Good better soon, baby girl!
About the ice skating, I'm finding myself thinking 'no' - last time my foot gave in was five minutes after I'd done that exact thing. :P But perhaps I should work on it and try it a little at a time.
And OH MY GOD, the package is heeeeere! It apparently got here this afternoon, and Anthony's dad brought it inside when he got home from work. Yay! Thank you, favoriteKatta! I love the card! :D
I promise to start reading as soon as I can focus on anything instead of my jaw agony, m'kay? [smooch]
Ja, du svär verkligen som en borstbindare! Den liknelsen är bland de roligaste i svenskan tycker jag. =)
Ingen fara. No hurry så att säga. =)
Aw, poor thing... Vi har verkligen otur när det gäller att röra oss utan att göra oss illa ;) Hoppas det blir bättre snart! Älskade bilderna föresten... bara 6 dagar kvar! Hehe! kraaam :)
Logan - yay, it got there! I had a feeling you'd like the card ;) For the lateness I blame the publishing house, it was supposed to be out in December already but they pushed it.
Gustav - jag undrar just om det finns ett motsvarande uttryck på engelska... Och varför just borstbindare egentligen? Svor de värre än kittelflickare?
V - ja, det har vi verkligen... Suck. Som Melanie sade, min kryckor är en investering för livet :P
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