Virtual postcard
Hi, people! There will be a more detailed account of the last two weeks soon, but for now I'm exhausted - I've been reading Harry Potter for seven and a half hours today and bawled like a little girl - and so for now you will have to settle for this little virtual postcard. I seem to remember someone wanting to hear me speak English - wish granted!
And yes, do I realise it's sort of void to say 'speak soon' now that I actually am home, but, you know, whatevs.
OH MY GOD! That accent. I knew you'd speak with a British accent, but WOW. :D
I'm so in love with your accent. You have to do more videos now. Mm'kaaaaay?
Hee, I knew the first thing you'd comment on would be the accent. It's rusty, but I haven't lost it completely! Still can't do American to save my life, though.
As for more videos... I make no promises. But, maybe. ;)
I happen to do an extremely convincing American accent. We can work on this. ;)
I'll start devising criteria for your future videos now. Swedish, English, and Spanish, all three need to be used. One per day. Go, go! :D
hehe. Gör mer videos!
Liksom Logan är jag imponerad av din brittiska accent. Verkligen kul och du såg ju ut att trivas där. =)
Dude, exactly what accent do you have? If you're going to teach me Southern, I think I'll pass. ;)
Gustav, tackar! Som sagt, den är lite rostig nu när jag inte avänder min engelska så mycket, men den fungerar fortfarande. :)
Och ja, jag trivdes verkligen där. Barcelona är underbart.
Jag lovar fortfarande inget - men vi hade så pass roligt med att göra vår videodagbok att det kanske har gett blodad tand... ;)
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