Here goes nothing
All right, for how long will I be able to avoid posting Barcelona photos? They'll show up eventually, I'm guessing, but I still haven't got Melanie's batch and I think there are a few of them I want to get in there. But, for now, here's something to entertain you. We had a charicature done by one of the artists on la Rambla. Stunning likeness, isn't it? We spent the entire afternoon watching it, going, 'Oh God, it's so awful! It's so horrible! It's so awesome!'

Right, so, we had an awesome couple of weeks on the whole. First week was a little bit of a bummer, with my stupid jaw and tablets not working and awful side effects. I've never suffered from side effects in my life, but this time I suddenly woke up to the room spinning a whole lot faster than any room should have a right to, and feeling like I was going to throw up if I moved a finger. Not the best way to start off a holiday, I tell you.
It got better, though. There has been much swimming, paella, chocolate con churros, sangria, and lusting over toned volleyball players at the beach. Mmm. We also met up and went for a drink with my teacher of two summers, David, which was great. Made me realise how rusty my Spanish is, but still, it was really fun. He's just awesome, one of the best teachers I've ever had.
I kinda loved our hotel. At first we didn't realise why all these people were just hanging around there - seriously, there was one bar and it really didn't look like much of a hangout - and then when we'd gotten a closer look at them, well, we did. Hooker's Corner (or, I as we named it in Swedish, 'Horhörnet'). There was this one guy who stopped in his car to chat one of them up who had a baby seat in the backseat. Eugh.
Worst bit about being away was Harry Potter. There will be no spoilers for the book here, in case my fellow geek Julia hasn't finished it yet, but I will say that I loved it. But I swear, the damn book was all over Barcelona! People were reading it everywhere; restaurants, the metro, the beach. And as I said in the video, there was a guy talking about it on the train - I wanted to throw my hands over my ears and shout 'Lalalala, I can't hear you!' Thank Christ he didn't say anything about the actual plot.
Then of course we came home to a dog who's now limping so bad he can barely walk. He's going to the vet for surgery on Monday, so fingers crossed he'll make it through that and that it'll work. If it doesn't... Well, then we're likely going to have to put him down. It's horrible watching him trying to walk like this, he's obviously in a lot of pain. But, hey, he's had the same operation done on the other hind leg a couple of years back and that turned out really well, so the prospects aren't all that bad.
Photos to come later. And if you're lucky, I might even show you a clip from the video diary we made. No English there, though, just Swedish.
Oh, one last thing. Cat Deeley is, like, the cutest thing to ever walk this Earth.

Right, so, we had an awesome couple of weeks on the whole. First week was a little bit of a bummer, with my stupid jaw and tablets not working and awful side effects. I've never suffered from side effects in my life, but this time I suddenly woke up to the room spinning a whole lot faster than any room should have a right to, and feeling like I was going to throw up if I moved a finger. Not the best way to start off a holiday, I tell you.
It got better, though. There has been much swimming, paella, chocolate con churros, sangria, and lusting over toned volleyball players at the beach. Mmm. We also met up and went for a drink with my teacher of two summers, David, which was great. Made me realise how rusty my Spanish is, but still, it was really fun. He's just awesome, one of the best teachers I've ever had.
I kinda loved our hotel. At first we didn't realise why all these people were just hanging around there - seriously, there was one bar and it really didn't look like much of a hangout - and then when we'd gotten a closer look at them, well, we did. Hooker's Corner (or, I as we named it in Swedish, 'Horhörnet'). There was this one guy who stopped in his car to chat one of them up who had a baby seat in the backseat. Eugh.
Worst bit about being away was Harry Potter. There will be no spoilers for the book here, in case my fellow geek Julia hasn't finished it yet, but I will say that I loved it. But I swear, the damn book was all over Barcelona! People were reading it everywhere; restaurants, the metro, the beach. And as I said in the video, there was a guy talking about it on the train - I wanted to throw my hands over my ears and shout 'Lalalala, I can't hear you!' Thank Christ he didn't say anything about the actual plot.
Then of course we came home to a dog who's now limping so bad he can barely walk. He's going to the vet for surgery on Monday, so fingers crossed he'll make it through that and that it'll work. If it doesn't... Well, then we're likely going to have to put him down. It's horrible watching him trying to walk like this, he's obviously in a lot of pain. But, hey, he's had the same operation done on the other hind leg a couple of years back and that turned out really well, so the prospects aren't all that bad.
Photos to come later. And if you're lucky, I might even show you a clip from the video diary we made. No English there, though, just Swedish.
Oh, one last thing. Cat Deeley is, like, the cutest thing to ever walk this Earth.
Y'all are some hot bitches. :D
(And to answer your previous question, I don't speak with a Southern accent. I got rid of it -- I speak evenly, clearly, deliberately. Except when I'm mad or speaking loudly, in which case it's harder to cover up. :P)
Hee, thanks.
I think my accent gets thicker when I'm mad or loud, too. My regular Swedish one, that is. My English one probably just gets slurry.
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