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You know, few things measure up to your mum and dad coming home from town with a present for you, an extremely heavy present that turns out to be the Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Awesome.
There's still no timetable up on my institution's website, and I'd kinda like to know which course I'll be starting with and which day. It's only two weeks away. You can't get the literature too early.
There's still no timetable up on my institution's website, and I'd kinda like to know which course I'll be starting with and which day. It's only two weeks away. You can't get the literature too early.
Ah, vilken fin present! Då kommer du att spendera många timmar med Shakespeare framöver!
Jag vill också veta mer om hösten!! Usch, två veckor, det känns så snart! Även om det ska bli roligt att börja igen så vill jag inte att sommaren ska vara slut riktigt än... Vi måste ju hinna använda vår nya uteplats också (den är snart färdig!)
I'm no big fan of Shakespeare, but wordplay is sometimes entertaining? Yes, I'm ending that sentence with a question mark instead of a period to indicate that I'm up for suggestion. :P
Frida - definitivt! Har redan hunnit läsa om Much Ado About Nothing, hehe. Jag får inte nog av den. :D
Oh, just det, er uteplats! Hur blir den?
Logan - no question mark needed. ;)
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