Thursday, March 08, 2007

The plastic is coming!

I have to say, SVT has really been raising the game lately when it comes to television. First Veronica Mars, which while it isn't my thing personally, is still from what I hear a very good show; then Supernatural, and you know my feelings on that one; and now Doctor Who. I think this is another show I'm going to enjoy, judging from tonight's premiere. Crack, so far, but really cool crack.

Plus, this is at least one series where I won't have to get distracted by being shallow. As awesome as Christopher Eccleston is, I will never understand the calling him hot.

---edited to add---
And, something on the topic of SN... What Jared wants to see.
No, no, no. Jared, dude, seriously. Do not put ideas like that in the heads of evil geniouses like Kripke and Gamble. And Kripke, don't you listen to him. If you do that, end it like that, I'm gonna hunt you down like Snuggles. You hear me?


Anonymous said...

Oh poo I forgot Dr Who was on tonight and missed it. And yeah, I'm back... blogwise that is.

Logan said...

Being addicted to "American Idol" has its upside. It's like no other television shows exist. Or at least, not 'til the season's over and a winner emerges.

Kat said...

V - yay, you're back to blogging. That's good. And you should definitely try to catch the Doctor next week, he was quite funny.

Logan - but can you watch it without wading around in the shallow end of the pool? ;)
It sounds nice though, only having one show to watch. I feel like I have too many at this point. A lot more than I used to.