And once again with the timing
Trust me to come down with an ear infection the same week as the exam. It's probably been going strong for a few days, and I haven't been able to go to the doctor because I couldn't waste the time and miss out on study group. But with all the 'ouch' moments I've been having I couldn't put it off any longer and went today, and now I have a little arsenal of medicine to take - drops and two kinds of pills, three times a day. Awesome. I wonder what the odds are of them killing the infection before 2pm tomorrow so that I can focus on writing about the acoustics and phonetics of speech. And other fun stuff like psychoacoustics and larynx muscles.
I hate drops. That crunching sound that happens when they trickle down and hit the eardrum is horrible. Truth be told, though, I'm actually ridiculously relieved that it turned out to be just a simple ear infection - for a while I was worried that it was a wisdom tooth playing up. That wouldn't have been something you could solve with pills and drops.
I'm still stuck on whether that segment in the spectrogram we were trying to figure out earlier today was a lateral or a nasal. It was definitely a sonorantic consonant and my instincts are still saying it was an [l], but it could be either. Maybe [ŋ]?
And I have no idea why I can't let it go.
I got away with paying child's fare on the bus again today. Twice. Score!
That's another thing about growing older, isnt it? That you suddenly start being happy when someone thinks you're younger than you actually are. I remember it used to be the other way around not too long ago.
I hate drops. That crunching sound that happens when they trickle down and hit the eardrum is horrible. Truth be told, though, I'm actually ridiculously relieved that it turned out to be just a simple ear infection - for a while I was worried that it was a wisdom tooth playing up. That wouldn't have been something you could solve with pills and drops.
I'm still stuck on whether that segment in the spectrogram we were trying to figure out earlier today was a lateral or a nasal. It was definitely a sonorantic consonant and my instincts are still saying it was an [l], but it could be either. Maybe [ŋ]?
And I have no idea why I can't let it go.
I got away with paying child's fare on the bus again today. Twice. Score!
That's another thing about growing older, isnt it? That you suddenly start being happy when someone thinks you're younger than you actually are. I remember it used to be the other way around not too long ago.
Så det var öroninflammation alltså...Surt. Men förhoppningsvis är du snart av med den nu när du fått medicin!
Jag kan inte heller släppa spektrogrammet. Lyckas tyvärr inte få något ord som ens avlägset liknar ett svenskt ortsnamn, dock. :-P
Längtar tills imorgon vid den här tiden - då kommer jag att ha tömt hjärnan på flödesglottogram och cricoary-whatever-muskler och vara koncentrerad på trevligare saker - som Annas fest t ex! :-)
In the event that you completely lose your hearing at some point, there are going to be people everywhere saying, "Well, she DID learn sign language, so I guess it's not that bad..." It's inevitle. Inevibtle? Inevitable. That last one.
And it was neither laternal nor nasal. I talked to it, and it told me it was just messing with you. It's really a cleverly disguised schwa. Lisped. ;)
Hope you feel all better soon! Both for school and London! Wish I could come too, I'm sooo jealous! I miss London, the girls and YOU! I really should get my ass down to Lund and see you! Kraaam ;)
Frida - japp, lite surt... Men det känns faktiskt redan lite grann bättre. Det dumma är att jag ju inte kan dricka något på festen ikväll! Boo hiss.
Åh, vad skönt det ska bli när det här är över.
Logan - oh, you're quite the optimist, huh? :P The good thing is that I always get the infections on my bad ear. Never on the good one. Knock on wood.
Pfft, schwa, my ass. ;)
V - yes! Do that! I want to show you around here! Wish you were coming with me next week, too, but... Another time, right? Soon? *mwah*
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