Thursday, March 01, 2007

The loss of innocence

You know you're losing the innocence and joy of childhood when it's raining outside and all you can think is, "Thank god, this will get rid of all this damn snow." When you don't spare a thought for all the children who are most likely weeping with disappointment at their playground turning green and brown again instead of white. You don't feel bad for them when they come dragging sledges that will be of no use whatsoever on the damp grass. You just gloat and revel in white turning into grey and sinking into the ground, and look forward to the day when you can start wearing your favourite ballerina shoes instead of clumsy, worn boots.

So, I finally managed to book tickets to Avenue Q for our London trip. Middle of front row. Pardon my squeeing.

Hotmail is being stupid. I hate not being able to access my email, what if I have a funny youtube video from someone? Or an important email, or, god forbid, messages on myspace or LJ? Yes, I know that theoretically I could log on there, but really, that's way too much hassle unless there's actually anything new. Hotmail is being very inconsiderate.

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