Sunday, February 10, 2008

Those are strings, Pinocchio

My grandmother is one hopeless case, bless her. You can't go see her and my grandpa without there being strings attached.

Frida and I are going there tomorrow, and gran called just now to let me know that we'll be having lunch there. Not 'asked me if we would like to have lunch', mind you, but let me know that we will. There's no arguing with her when it comes to lunch. And I was so sure eleven in the morning would be early enough that we could get away with just having coffee or something... Apparently not. "Well, you have to eat anyway," she said when I tried to say that coffee and biscuits or something would be just fine. "You can't go all day without food, and we have to eat dinner, so you two might as well eat with us." She didn't finish with 'And that's that', but I could still hear it.

Sorry, Frida. I tried my best, really. I thought we were in the clear.


Frida said...

Det var trevligt att luncha med dina farföräldrar! Jag gör gärna om det någon gång! :)

Tänka sig, igår ringde en tjej som hade sett en av mina "försökspersoner sökes"-lappar och ville vara med i undersökningen. Jag satte upp de där lapparna före jul och trodde knappt att någon fortfarande satt kvar. Det enda svaret jag fått på dem fick jag redan samma dag som jag satte upp dem (och den personen dök för övrigt aldrig upp). Så idag ska jag spela in min absolut sista försöksperson..! :D

Logan said...

Tony's grandparents are like that. They never return home from a family visit without lots of food because Grandma made more than everybody could eat. :P