Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The good and the sucky

I have been giggling at this video all afternoon. They're just. So. Cute! Not that I'd want a couple of my own, but still. Highly amusing.

The way Charlie laughs at his brother's pain... That is pure beauty that is.

In other news, at Frida's suggestion I have taken to naming my ear problem - from now on, it shall be called Vera.

Did I mention I hate Vera? Fucking bitch.


Logan said...

I've always hated that bitch. :D

Angående the video... eh. I wasn't impressed the first time I saw it. ;)

Frida said...

Ja, vem har sagt att barn är snälla små varelser? :)

Hur är det med Vera idag? Allan har fortfarande inte släppt taget helt...

Sadek said...

waw nice blogger
i would like to be your friend