Tuesday, November 06, 2007

oh. em. gee.

Oh my God. Ida, look, look! It's her! Sweet wounded Jesus, there are no words for how bad I want that car. I mean - just - it's - look at her! Isn't she gorgeous? *strokes*

I really am going to have to start working towards my driver's license, aren't I?

Damn, I want that car.

(I owe emails. They shall be sent soon.)


Eta - aw, no, the auction has already ended. *is sad* The loss, it hurts.

Eta 2 - hah! Bob on 'Heroes' said there was a storm coming. Needless to say, I automatically added, "And you boys are smack in the middle of it."


Ida said...

Baby please come back!

Kat said...

En dag, det säger jag bara! Vi ska cruisa fram med Back In Black i högtalarna. ;)

Logan said...

I hate Bob. He needs to get electrocuted like, yesterday. :P

Kat said...

I was kinda hoping Jessica would get him. If just so that I can stop hearing, "Ned, Ned Ryerson! Bing!" every time he's on screen. :P