This is pretty much for my fellow Supernatural girls - the breakfast at the Chicago con. The rest of you can ignore it, if you want. :P
Jesus Christ, people are screechy. But those two boys are so much fun.
tracing her way through the constellation
This is pretty much for my fellow Supernatural girls - the breakfast at the Chicago con. The rest of you can ignore it, if you want. :P
goddamn you posting that when I can't watch it properly!
they're so awesome (and pretty) together, i heart the boys.
Just wait until you see Jared wiping his face on Jensen's shirt, followed by "So not how I pictured this would go". Too adorable. They are awesome.
Alltid kul att se sådana klipp :)
Herregud vad Jared kan snacka! Säsong 2 hade ju premiär nu i veckan i SVT24.
Det blev varken Hairspray eller Ensemble, c'est tout i lördags utan MIchael Clayton istället. Men jag vill fortfarande se de andra två också!
Det är lite svårt att höra vad de säger ibland, men boooy those guy's are HOT!!!
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