They throw parties every Sunday.
When I walk home from uni I sometimes walk past the church, which I did today. A couple of boys was standing there, just looking up at it, and just when I was walking by one of them turned to look at the other and said in this completely awed voice, "That is wild, dude!" I almost started laughing right there. Sure, it's a nice church, but 'wild' isn't really the word I would have chosen to describe it.
And a part of me got all giddy about hearing the word 'dude'. I was a little jealous of them for getting to use it. Lucky native English speakers.
I have recently discovered that I wasn't alone in crushing on a few animated characters when I was little. Teithiwr and I bonded over our love for fox-Robin (as in Robin Hood), and apparently there are more - sick, sick - people like me who crushed on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I was a Michelangelo girl myself, from what I can remember. But the worst thing? The worst, most embarrassing animated-character crush of them all? Launchpad McQuack from Duck Tales. There, I said it. He was so totally cool and dreamy.
... I was little!
Supernatural finally comes back tonight, which...

And a part of me got all giddy about hearing the word 'dude'. I was a little jealous of them for getting to use it. Lucky native English speakers.
I have recently discovered that I wasn't alone in crushing on a few animated characters when I was little. Teithiwr and I bonded over our love for fox-Robin (as in Robin Hood), and apparently there are more - sick, sick - people like me who crushed on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I was a Michelangelo girl myself, from what I can remember. But the worst thing? The worst, most embarrassing animated-character crush of them all? Launchpad McQuack from Duck Tales. There, I said it. He was so totally cool and dreamy.
... I was little!
Supernatural finally comes back tonight, which...

Lucky? Pff. :P You can use "dude" whenever you want. Be a trendsetter!
And I don't think I have a crush on any animated characters from my younger years. But now that I'm a little older... Ron Stoppable. From "Kim Possible". I even bought one of the games on Nintendo DS with him in it. Did you know that his naked molerat resembles a dick? :D
I...didn't know that, no. I'm not sure I needed to, either. :P
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