Friday, October 19, 2007

Gigglesnorting is good for your health.

Ida, one thing is for sure. When we do our season 3 marathon, 'Bad Day at Black Rock' needs to be in there, if only because of two things:

"I lost my shoe." :hearts Sammy so much:

"Don't play with my Jesus." Seriously, I blame fandom for the dirty place my mind went to at that line.

In linguistic news, this is a question I one day hope to be able to ask someone: Får jag följa några köttsliga punkter på dina pariga muskler?
The credit for it belongs to Frida, but I still love it and will totally steal it.

Oh, also in linguistic news - this is my absolute favourite website at the moment. So much fun. My favourite is the male speaker from Pine Bluff in Arkansas... Damn, that's what I call a drawl. (Okay, this guy from Edinburgh is a close second.)
Although this one has to be wrong, doesn't it? It doesn't sound like a 33 year old male, and to my (untrained) ears it sure doesn't sound very Dublin-y, either, but maybe I'm just prejudiced.

It's a shame they only do English, but it's still fun.


Logan said...

Okay, that one's lost on me. Explain the question, please. :D

Kat said...

Heh. It's just that most of our course litterature is in English, and when we're doing study group, sometimes we can't really find the words to express it in Swedish. For example, fleshpoints, which has to do with point-tracking. And sometimes muscles are 'paired', which we have been amused by since the Swedish translation of that is sort of equivalent to 'mate'. And when you try and translate expressions like those, you can make it sound, um, dirty. Which is fun.
I'm not doing to well explaining, am I? Frida? Help me out here?

Logan said...

Okay, I get it now. :)

I love that site. I do, I do, I do. And I think you're right about that one speaker being the wrong one listed. He sounds very she-like. :D

Logan said...

And OMG! Scotland guy pronounces the -d- in Wednesday! :D

Anonymous said...

"I'm Batman!"

does that make sam robin or catwoman? ;)

Kat said...

Logan - I know! We-d-nesday! Isn't it awesome? :D

Genna - I'm thinking it makes him Robin, but man, he'd look great in the Catwoman suit. ;)
Also, it's the "Yeah, you're Batman" that makes it art.