Friday, September 21, 2007

Fools, the lot of them.

I'm actually ashamed to be living in a country where the majority of the population voted for a government that goes by the motto that those who already have money deserve more, and those who don't, well, tough luck, they suck. Right. Reward the people with money and take the money away from the people who already have less to do it.

What the fuck possessed that prat Borg to present a budget like this one? What are the people who actually aren't able to work supposed to do? Yeah, they do exist, you know! If my mum had been on her own, she wouldn't have stood a chance - they're taking away pretty much all of her sickness benefits. What are single parents supposed to do? Or just singles, people who've burned out, people who are depressed? I have been around this for years, and let me tell you, it's not as easy as 'Go out and get a job'. I guarantee it.

What the fuck are they supposed to do? You tell me, Mr. Borg. Please. I'm dying to know.

I don't even have words for how much I despise this.

1 comment:

Logan said...

Which is why you should move somewhere awesome like London or Spain. Or Italy. Just not over here, we have a retard running the country (swear to God, in a press conference the other day Bush said "Somebody said to me the other day, 'Where's Mandela?' ... Mandela's DEAD! Because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas!" I shit you not. I laughed for ten minutes straight 'til I turned blue. :D)