I always knew angels were bad news
Am I a wuss if an alleged children's TV series scared the bejesus out of me? I will never be able to walk past a statue again. At least not without keeping my eyes pried open.
Don't blink. Don't even blink! Blink and you're dead. They are fast, faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away and don't blink!

Keep looking at it. Keep looking at it! Don't blink. Remember what he said. Don't even blink.
*gulp* I swear, these fucking things creep me the fuck out.
Don't blink. Don't even blink! Blink and you're dead. They are fast, faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away and don't blink!

Keep looking at it. Keep looking at it! Don't blink. Remember what he said. Don't even blink.
*gulp* I swear, these fucking things creep me the fuck out.
Ok. Kan se Supernatural utan problem men de där bilderna är ju läskiga på riktigt!
Mm-hm. Jag kommer att få flytta ut alla mina små statyfigurer ur rummet inatt om jag ska kunna få en blund i ögonen! Och så hör jag hela tiden i huvudet, Don't blink. Don't even blink. Brr.
Vad för ett barnprogram är det??
Det är 'Doctor Who'. Jag vet egentligen inte om man kan kalla det ett barnprogram, men från början riktade det sig visst i alla fall framför allt till yngre... Inte det här avsnittet!
That's almost as creepy as the invisible monster that lives underneath our basement stairs (and that makes me fly upstairs and slam the door and scream a little and makes Tony go, "The FUCK is your problem!?"). :D
Yeah, I freaked over that ep too!
Ooh, Logan, you've got a monster in your house? So cool! Althigh if it's creepier than the Weeping Angels, maybe not.
V, I'm glad I'm not alone. ;)
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