Thursday, September 27, 2007


It's good to find stuff that make you smile when things suck. The book we found outside the classroom today on 'The Female Body' was among that stuff. Lesbian activities? Sexually aroused through contact with animals? Positions for intercourse (with special ones ideal for impregnation)? Man, I needed those laughs.

Something else that makes me smile? Otter love. The REAL 'omg sofa king CUTE!' stuff doesn't come until towards the end, though.

I bet they're BOFFs. Best Otter Friends Forever.

I thought I heard the doggy snore this morning and started crying again. Sigh.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


So you learn stuff about yourself when things like this happen. I've learned that I'm definitely not a 'hug and cry' kind of person (not that I thought I was, really). I'm a 'shut myself in my room, put on AC/DC or Def Leppard, turn it up to eleven and cry' kind of person.

I guess I probably shouldn't want to go to lectures today, and sure, a part of me doesn't since I know I won't be able to focus one bit, but the larger part is just relieved that I have the opportunity to get out. I can't take my mum starting to cry every other second and my dad looking close to doing the same.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Så. Vi åkte till djursjukhuset imorse för vovvens sjukgymnastik. När han skulle upp på gångbandet märkte sjukgymnasten att han var svullen över buken, och tyckte att en veterinär skulle titta på honom innan vi satte igång, för säkerhets skull.
Plötsligt visade det sig att han hade en jättetumör i mjälten och vi fick välja mellan omedelbar operation, där de skulle ta bort hela mjälten, eller att låta honom somna in.

Vi valde det senare.

Han fick i alla fall må bra in i det sista. Men det är så väldigt, väldigt tomt nu. Och det gör jävligt ont.

I can't focus on anything at all and everything makes me cry. Kansas' 'Carry On My Wayward Son' makes me cry. Dooce makes me cry. I can't listen to 'Given the Dog a Bone' or 'Wish You Were Here' or 'Silent Lucidity'.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Fools, the lot of them.

I'm actually ashamed to be living in a country where the majority of the population voted for a government that goes by the motto that those who already have money deserve more, and those who don't, well, tough luck, they suck. Right. Reward the people with money and take the money away from the people who already have less to do it.

What the fuck possessed that prat Borg to present a budget like this one? What are the people who actually aren't able to work supposed to do? Yeah, they do exist, you know! If my mum had been on her own, she wouldn't have stood a chance - they're taking away pretty much all of her sickness benefits. What are single parents supposed to do? Or just singles, people who've burned out, people who are depressed? I have been around this for years, and let me tell you, it's not as easy as 'Go out and get a job'. I guarantee it.

What the fuck are they supposed to do? You tell me, Mr. Borg. Please. I'm dying to know.

I don't even have words for how much I despise this.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I always knew angels were bad news

Am I a wuss if an alleged children's TV series scared the bejesus out of me? I will never be able to walk past a statue again. At least not without keeping my eyes pried open.

Don't blink. Don't even blink! Blink and you're dead. They are fast, faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away and don't blink!

Keep looking at it. Keep looking at it! Don't blink. Remember what he said. Don't even blink.

*gulp* I swear, these fucking things creep me the fuck out.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

More computer linguistics

When the lecturer says "And then the question is of course, what does that mean?" and your first thought is, "Wait, what? What does what mean?!" you can draw the conclusion that you haven't really understood all that much during the last couple of hours.

Two things

Two things about 'Computers in Linguistic Research'.

One; huh?!
Two; there is absolutely nothing normal about this. That's all.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


There must be some reason that the day after I post a picture of the contents of my bag, including my awesome Avenue Q pen, the pen stops working. Meh.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Teh everyday

So joined this LJ community where you post a picture of something from your life every week (there's a different assignment each week), and so far I've been there for two - where my books live, and the regular contents of my everyday bag. I know you're all just dying to see the pictures, so here you go.

My books
There's another shelf full of Stephen King and Dean Koontz books at the bottom that didn't fit in the photo, and my beloved Shakespeare collection wasn't interested in having its picture taken, but otherwise, that's all. I had a huge cleanout a few months ago and put, like, three full bags of books in the basement and only kept the ones I reread fairly often.

My bag and contents
In the bag, you find: an umbrella (it's that time now, when it might start raining at any given second). Pen (from 'Avenue Q', hence the fluff). An old crinkly bus ticket. A cinema ticket that got left there after the last time I went. Asthma inhaler. My glasses case. iPod. Hairband. An Ipren (painkiller) that I had no idea was there. Keyring, including a bottle opener, with keys to the apartment, my bike and the gym. Wallet. Camera case (usually containing the camera), since I'm one of those people who bring my camera with me everywhere. Comb. A couple of coins (some of them Euros that had apparently been forgotten in there since this summer). Mimi, my phone. Calendar, which I hardly ever use but still feel the need to keep there.
I should probably remove the Euros and the old bus ticket.