In short
Semantics paper, bad. Dark Angel, good.
I no longer look like a vampire. The dental surgeon thought the stitches might have annoyed something and caused the bleeding, so he took them out. Hurt like hell, but my mouth is blood-free now.
And happy Sweden day.
I no longer look like a vampire. The dental surgeon thought the stitches might have annoyed something and caused the bleeding, so he took them out. Hurt like hell, but my mouth is blood-free now.
And happy Sweden day.
Hur har du firat nationaldagen? Jag har ätit jordgubbar.
Happy Swedy Sweden Day. :)
Jag firade faktiskt inte nationaldagen alls. *skäms lite* Jag satt vid datorn med min uppsats i princip hela dagen. Men jag åt jordgubbar i förrgår, så jag räknar det som mitt firande!
Logan, I hope you walked around waving a Swedish flag for everyone to see yesterday. ;)
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