Sunday, June 10, 2007

Deja vu

I'm humming 'I Can't Fight This Feeling' on repeat again. Oh, who could be to blame? Who?
Really, it is an awesomely sappy song.

I'm an awful daughter. After my little breakdown when watching the Jonestown documentary yesterday I was so torn up I didn't make sure to check that the DVR actually turned itself off when I hit the button, which it didn't, which meant that it didn't record the football game my dad had set it to later that night. He was not happy.


Ida said...

Who to blame? Hmmm...I don't know...

Logan said...

Deja-vu indeed! I get the feeling that I've read that post before... almost as if it's been a week since you updated. :P

(And and, gissa vem tog ner en ljudbok version av "Montecore : En unik tiger" igår?)

Kat said...

I know, I know. *is ashamed*

Oh, yay! Jag har inte hört den än, du får meddela hur den är.
(Författarens lillebror är förresten en av uppläsarna.)