If you needed a reason.
Valentine's Day is a proper waste of time and, to borrow Heather's expression, "sux sweaty goat balls". For Christ's sake, why do people need a special day to show that they care about each other? It's just an excuse for the stores to sell more lingerie.
We went out to the union and had dinner and ignored the whole thing. Or, well, tried to. The band kept dedicating songs to 'all the singles out here tonight'. After being forcefed some real downers (I think it was Just A Gigolo that triggered it), Ida summed the whole thing up: It doesn't matter that you're single, because love sucks anyway. Well, that's one way of putting it!
Supernatural this season is more often than not angsty enough and that's one of the reasons why I love it to bits, but it can also be awesomly cracktastic when it wants to. I mean... Alien abductions where the worst part isn't the whole thing with being probed - "again and again and again, and then one more time" - but instead being forced to slowdance with a lovesick sighing alien to Lady In Red under a disco ball? Seriously, do you need another reason to watch the show?

I almost slept through the whole of yesterday. Came home from the lecture, started seeing spots, realised that a migraine was on its way and went to bed. Woke up at six, had dinner, went to bed again for an hour. Got up, ate some chocolate, watched a bit of Mulholland Drive, went to bed and slept from midnight to ten this morning. Damn, I really must've had some sleep to catch up on.
We went out to the union and had dinner and ignored the whole thing. Or, well, tried to. The band kept dedicating songs to 'all the singles out here tonight'. After being forcefed some real downers (I think it was Just A Gigolo that triggered it), Ida summed the whole thing up: It doesn't matter that you're single, because love sucks anyway. Well, that's one way of putting it!
Supernatural this season is more often than not angsty enough and that's one of the reasons why I love it to bits, but it can also be awesomly cracktastic when it wants to. I mean... Alien abductions where the worst part isn't the whole thing with being probed - "again and again and again, and then one more time" - but instead being forced to slowdance with a lovesick sighing alien to Lady In Red under a disco ball? Seriously, do you need another reason to watch the show?

I almost slept through the whole of yesterday. Came home from the lecture, started seeing spots, realised that a migraine was on its way and went to bed. Woke up at six, had dinner, went to bed again for an hour. Got up, ate some chocolate, watched a bit of Mulholland Drive, went to bed and slept from midnight to ten this morning. Damn, I really must've had some sleep to catch up on.
I'm really okay sorry for all the whining lately! I've had the ep on my computer fsince friday morning but I've been so busy I havenät been able to watch it yet. And I won't have time til tomorrow I'm just about to go home to mum's for dinner and "mello-kväll". But it sounds like it's just what I need =) Kram
Sounds like my sleep schedule. We should both relocate to Spain immediately and take on full advantage of siesta.
V - there's never any apologizing for whining in blogs! That's what they're for! Have great mello-night tonight and enjoy Tall Tales when you watch it. ;) You gotta tell me what you think!
Logan - sounds good to me. We'll just replace the chocolate with flan. Deal?
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