Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I have a cold coming, and I thought I'd post before it takes hold completely and leaves me unable to do anything but whine.

Wednesday is a long day. Two different sets of lectures, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I've gotten so spoiled with only having two or three hours a day for the last couple of months. Funny thing is, though, I don't mind at all. Sure, it's a little tiring, but it's too much fun to be annoyed. And it's great to see how many are taking 'Grammar' - we're practically as many now as we were at the A level.
You know what else is great? Picking up your exam only to discover that the grade you received was wrong and that you'd actually done better than you thought you did. That's quite nice.

I don't want to jinx anything, but there might be a very, very good reason to go to London and see Avenue Q this summer. I'm keeping everything crossed. Fingers, legs and toes.

By the way, Supernatural spoilers are teh awesome. I dont know how I'm going to be able to wait for over a week. And Jared and Jensen make me giggle - in an interview they were asked what kind of movies they watch, answered that they both like Westerns and then... Well, elaborated.

Jensen: When I was six years old I used to get up in the morning, put on a leather belt with two six-shooter cap guns and roam around the house. Very little's changed.
Jared: Me too. I still wear arseless chaps around the house, actually. I'm a special kinda cowboy!

I pity Jared's publicist.

Monday, January 29, 2007

The jig is up

I'm tired. This whole only having lectures twice a week... Sure, it sounds neat, but it's really not. Having nothing to do somehow takes away all my energy. I need a job. And dudes, we need to arrange that study group we were talking about - a few more weeks of this hanging around at home and I'm going to be stark raving mad. So now, I'm going to drag my ass up into town, shop for some gifts, maybe sit down and read for a bit a the café. Tomorrow I'm going swimming. I need to find some sort of structure, get a routine. Do something besides yawning.

Oh, the Swedish cast of Avenue Q was on TV the other day. My reaction was... Eh. 'It sucks to be me' - 'Det är skit att vara jag'? "Det är skit att va' jag! Det suger helt fett!" Sigh. No, I'm not getting into the translation debate - again - but you can see where I'm going, right?
The puppet voices sounded more childish than anything else. Christmas Eve was sort of, well, bad. I'll still want to go see it, of course, there's no way I could resist. But you are all running the risk of having me bitching afterwards. Not that me bitching is new.

Oh, one more thing... I know I have what you might call and odd taste in music, but please, people, tell me you know where this is from.
Oh mama I'm in fear for my life
From the long arm of the law
Lawman has put an end to my running
And I'm so far from my home

Heh. I found this the other day - I think it's from the second grade. MiniMe.
Ah, tonight is the night of ogling. Yes, yes, it's Supernatural night.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Definite reason for squeeage

I just realised that I forgot to tell you...
I passed the second exam as well! Languages of the world. Verb agreement and Klingon. I passed! Hell fucking yes, it's over! I'm very tempted to make a little bonfire with the booklet... When the weather isn't as rainy, of course, I wouldn't want the fire to die down when it's only eaten half the book. Everything's gotta go. Leave nothing.

As it happens, some of my - lovely, fantastic, amazing, awesome - coursemates have now got this adress as well. Crap. That means I'll have to start watching what I say around here. I never mentioned the cocaine we snort together in the bathroom during breaks, did I?

Had a great time at Frida's last night, but the evening was soiled just a little by stupid buses that don't manage their time schedule. Waiting for the bus for 40 minutes at half one? Not fun. Very, very cold.

I get my glasses next week sometime. I ended up choosing a different pair than the ones I showed you guys on here, but they're quite similar to the first pair. Just not quite as framed. It's going to be very interesting getting them - during the check up I realised that I actually do need them for the lectures.

Monday, January 22, 2007


Okay. Since I will likely be getting glasses, I have narrowed down my options to two pairs. I'm sort of leaning towards one of them, I think, but I'm not telling you which one, because I'd like to know what you think.

eta: Okay, so now I've already decided, but do tell anyway.

Friday, January 19, 2007

I fell into a burning ring of fire

Lyrics quiz solution:

1. ACDC - Shook Me All Night Long
2. Kansas - Carry On My Wayward Son
3. Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars *point to V*
4. Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down
5. ACDC - Back In Black
6. Beth Nielson Chapman - Say Goodnight, Not Goodbye
7. Nickelback - Photograph *point to V*
8. Athlete - Chances
9. Metallica - Enter Sandman
10. Triumph - Fight The Good Fight
11. Keane - We Might As Well Be Strangers *point to V*

I'm very disappointed in the rest of you. You should hear me clicking my tounge.

I passed the 'Language Acquisition' exam! One down, one to go. And I'm so counting on having to complement on the other one, but at least it's done for now. So now, we move on to 'Theoretical Grammar' and 'Human Voice and Speech'... Damn, I love this.
Looks like I really will be trying to do an extra five credits with 'neurolingvistik' - this is the last semester they'll be doing that course until 2009, or so. I really don't want to wait that long. What made me extra sad though, was that 'psykolingvistik' is done. No more. That was one course I was definitely looking forward to taking.

We're seeing 'Rocky VI' tonight. Puffy Stalone and Milo V, I can't wait. But do not go see 'Holiday'. You'll be nauseous from all the sugar.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Lund was never so beautiful.

I am finally home after being stuck in Stockholm for longer than was planned, thanks to the fucking storm that really ought to have been given a more menacing name than 'Per' (I mean, seriously). The journey home took eight hours instead of four and I felt like falling to my knees and kissing the ground when we got off the train. But SJ did all they could - got us a room at a four star hotel when we couldn't get home, and then first class tickets part of the way when the trains started running again. I can't complain too much, at least not about them.

Invasion! was as amazing as I remembered it, and the audience reaction at the beginning was absolutely awesome. The infiltrators were sat just two rows down from us, so we had a good view of their progress from mildly amused to "Dude, what the fuck is this shit?!" It started out with some annoyed hushing, but when the boys decided they'd had enough and made to leave people actually stood up and yelled at them to sit down and shut up while we were busy giggling like mad and trying to hide it. They must've felt so silly when they realised it was all part of the show. I know I would have.
Bahador Foladi is still incredible. When he came on stage for that horrifying, final monologue of the show, my heart just started pounding. With dread, because I knew what was coming, and anticipation, because he acts it so, so well. I thought I'd try and transcribe that one, because you should read it. I think it might be my favourite part, but I'm not sure. It's impossible to choose.

My kind, kind Languages-of-the-world lecturer gave me a couple of extra days with the exam, since I was stuck without my laptop and unable to finish on time. So now, I'm writing the final question and it's actually not going horribly. I haven't had any flashes of brilliance by any means, but if there's anything I'm good at, it's word-pooping.

Solution to the lyrics quiz, which V was the only one to excel at, will be up next time.

Oh, by the way, Supernatural? Was sofa king awesome on Thursday. Best episode yet of the ones I've seen, perhaps, save the season 2 opener. And they used 'White Rabbit'! Finally! Do you realise how long I've been hoping and waiting for them to use that song? And it was totally creepy and awesome (so, I like the word awesome, big deal) and perfect. V, you should start watching season 2, I need someone to geek out with over it.

Hope none of my Swedish readers were hit too hard by the storm and stayed safe.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


So, there have been films, and film quotes, and film scenes, and now I thought it was time for a list with music. Lyric snippets are from my 'last played' list on iTunes, and if you recognise anything, you get a cookie.

1. 'Cause the walls start shaking
The earth was quaking
My mind was aching

2. Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man, it surely
means that I don't know

3. If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

4. Go tell that long tongue liar
Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter

5. So look at me now
I'm just makin' my play
Don't try to push your luck, just get out of my way

6. Don't you fear when you dream
Waking up is never what it seems
Like a jewel buried deep
Like a promise meant to keep

7. I miss that town
I miss the faces
You can't erase it
You can't replace it

8. If I had the chance to start again
Then you would be the one I'd come and find
Like the poster of Berlin on my wall
Maybe there's a chance our walls might fall

9. Hush little baby, don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the beasts under your bed
In your closet, in your head

10. All your life you've been waiting for your chance
Where you'll fit into the plan
But you're the master of your own destiny
So give and take the best that you can

11. I don't know your face no more
Or feel your touch that I adore
I don't know your face no more
It's just a place I'm looking for

When you realise that you have Creedence Clearwater Revival on your playlist, you begin to wonder whether you were born in the wrong decennia.

This is probably the last entry for a week or so - I have two exams, circa ten pages, to finish before the 12th and have asked people to hit me if I try to write anything that isn't about language acquisition or typology. And I wish I could kick my own ass for not ever learning to start in time.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

In which she uses three different languages

See that right there? That would be my boys starting off the new year in second place! They're doing well. Funny, the top three at this point are the same as when the season finished last year, only we finished third and I believe Sävehof won. This year, it's our turn. Oh yes, it is.

So, Saddam Hussein is dead. And I know he did horrible, horrible things, but nothing can make me agree with the death penalty. I can't agree that it's right to take one life to get revenge for another.

Ett av partierna här i Sverige vill införa förbud mot att prata något annat språk än svenska i klassrummet såvida lektionen inte är om just det språket. Fint tänkt. Men jag tror att jag har hört något liknande förut...
Jovisst, när man tvingade döva barn att sitta på sina egna händer för att de inte skulle teckna utan istället lära sig tala. Och svenskundervisningen för tornedalsfinska barn (när var det, i början av 1900-talet?) då man gav dem stryk om de pratade finska istället för svenska.
Jag undrar vad partiet anser att konsekvensen av att bryta mot förbudet skulle bli?

Tengo que sacar el perro porque mis padres han ido al cine. Hasta luego.
Por favor, no me pegues por preguntar esto, pero de que verbo viene el 'han' del pretérito perfecto? Es 'haber'? Nunca me lo ha explicado nadie.