Thursday, December 29, 2005

I didn't know the dead speak to her.

When the phone rang tonight, we shooed my father out in the kitchen to get it - it's usually for him, some company or other wanting to sell him something. But this time apparently it wasn't, because he came back for my mother.

"Mum's on the phone."
"Yes, mum."
"YOUR mum?"

No, mother dear, it's grandma calling from the other side to tell you the flowers on her grave are frozen.

Saw my girls (unfortunately bar two) today, lovely as usual. I wish we could see each other more often.
And it's still snowing like there will be no more summer. King Bore, could you please stop this madness now?


Logan said...

Heeeeeey, Katta!

So I'm sitting here, reading this, asking T-bear, "Who is King Bore?", and he suggested that we Google it, so we did and found this, which reminded me page-layout-wise of this.

Hope you enjoy! :D

Kat said...

First of all - yay, you're back! Second of all - you really are crazy in the coconut, do you know that? :D Thank god I was alone when I clicked that link, tehe.
King Bore is still ruling Sweden. I'm not very fond of him.