Sunday, December 25, 2005

Feel the christmas spirit?

Because I do!

I. Love. Christmas. Seriously, I love it. Last night was the perfect Christmas Eve - sitting for hours around the table, eating until we couldn't eat another bite, talking, christmas songs in the background... My younger cousin Jonas planting surprises in the candy, my older cousin Andy being Santa, no one opening their presents because they were busy waiting to see everyone else open theirs, remembering the last christmas we spent with our grandfather and laughing at the memories of him hiding the almond and Jonas finishing all the porridge to find it...

Only thing was that we... We missed... We missed Kalle Ankas Jul! I have never, in my whole life, failed to watch Kalle on Christmas Eve, until yesterday. Jag skyller på glöggen som vi satt och drack istället. *mmm*

The fact that I got a new mobile was an added bonus of last night, I have to admit. It's small, pretty, has flowers on it and is named Mimi. And it answers to the same number as my old one.

To each and every one of you, a very merry christmas. I hope Santa is good to you and that you have a fantastic day with whoever you're celebrating it with.

By the way, internet scrabble rocks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks dinner today was really nice! No more thumbproblems then :) My christmas sounds almost like yours only we remembered Kalle. Even though we had a significant amount of glögg too ;)